標題: 結合開放式課程之翻轉課堂對於學習者之自我調節與學習成效影響
The Effects of Flipped Classroom Instruction Integrated with OpenCourseWare on Students’ Self-Regulation and Learning Outcome
作者: 吳宥葶
關鍵字: 開放式課程;翻轉課堂;自我調節;學習成效;OpenCourseWare;Flipped classroom;self-regulation;learning outcome
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究旨在探討學習者在結合開放式課程之翻轉課堂(實驗組)與結合開放式課程之遠距教學模式(控制組)兩種不同教學法,對於學習者之自我調節與學習成效的影響,學習成效包含:學習成就、師生互動關係與學習滿意度。本研究採準實驗法輔以質性訪談,參與者為181位大學一年級物理課班級的學習者,依自由意願選擇欲參與的教學法。 研究結果發現兩組的整體自我調節並無顯著差異,但將六個構面分別比較其兩組平均值,結果顯示結合開放式課程之翻轉課堂學習者,在自我調節之尋求協助分構面上,顯著高於結合開放式課程之遠距教學學習者。而學習成效的部分,結合開放式課程之翻轉課堂的學習者具有較佳的學習成就。雖然學習滿意度與師生互動關係並無顯著差異,但兩組的平均值皆達或將近4.5以上,顯示兩組學習者對於學習滿意度以及師生互動關係的感受達量表尺度的「有點同意」至「同意」之間。 本研究建議,教師在選擇教學法的同時,除了需考量學習者的自由意願之外,在足夠的教學資源挹注情況下,亦可透過具豐富互動性的翻轉課堂教學,提供學習者足夠的同儕與與師生間的互動性以及實體的引導與協助。此外,翻轉課堂中,強調學習的精義在於過程而非產物,為評估學習者在各方面的學習成長,可藉由資訊科技工具詳細紀錄、追蹤與診斷學習者的學習歷程。此研究成果希望能作為翻轉課堂與開放式課程相關研究或教學者之參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of two types of instruction integrated with OpenCourseWare, the flipped classroom (the experimental group) and the distance education (the control group), on students’ self-regulation and learning outcome, including academic achievement, teacher- student interactions and learning satisfaction. The study utilized a quasi-experimental design, supported by the interviews. Participants were 181 freshmen in physics course who chose either control or experimental group voluntarily. The results showed no significant differences in participants’ overall self-regulation between the control and the experimental groups. However, one of the six factors in self-regulation, the help-seeking construct, of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. Regarding the learning outcome, the experiment group showed significantly higher academic achievement than the control group. Although there was no significant difference in learning satisfaction and teacher-student interactions, the results showed that the mean values of both groups were greater than 4.5, indicating relatively high values of these two constructs. The results of this study suggest that educators should take learners’ willingness into account when selecting appropriate teaching strategies. In addition, with sufficient teaching resources, educators could consider incorporating a more interactive approach into the flipped classroom by providing positive peer and instructor influences and guidance. Finally, flipped classrooms focus on not only learning outcome but also learning progress. Therefore, educators may assess students’ learning outcome and track their learning progress with learning technologies. Recommendations for future studies related to flipped classroom and OpenCourseWare instructions were also provided.