Title: 行前旅運資訊對運具選擇及旅次鏈規劃之影響分析--以台北至宜蘭週末遊憩旅次為例
Impacts of Pre-trip Information on Mode Choice and Trip Chain Planning--A Case Study of the Weekend Leisure Trips between Taipei and Yilan
Authors: 蔡知微
Keywords: 行前旅運資訊;運具選擇;旅次鏈選擇;羅吉特模式;遊憩旅次;Pre-trip information;Mode choice;Trip chain choice;Nested logit;Leisure trip
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 近年來,國道五號每逢週末時休閒遊憩旅次量大幅增加,使得雪山隧道出現塞車的問題,本研究試圖從了解旅運行為來改善此問題:考量旅運者規劃遊憩旅次時通常會同時考量運具和旅次鏈的選擇,且可能受到行前旅運資訊的影響。實證研究以大台北(台北市、新北市)地區民眾為調查對象,使用敘述性偏好收集旅運者偏好資訊以建構巢式羅吉特模式。研究結果顯示旅次鏈之間的替代性較運具選擇高、民眾改變行程規劃較改變運具容易;在有提供資訊的情況下皆能增加公共運輸的使用率,且不同類型與內容的資訊之影響效果有所不同:建議資訊的效果較敘述資訊好、內容為當地交通的效果優於內容為主線交通的效果;民眾對於旅行時間較旅行成本更為敏感。政策模擬分析顯示,若改善宜蘭當地公車發車間距且同時提供旅運資訊能夠使改善當地交通的效果更好。
Leisure trips substantially increase on weekends on Freeway No. 5 in recent years, and make the hsuehshan tunnel clog. People usually consider mode and trip chain choices simultaneously when they plan their leisure trips. And they may be affected by the pre-trip information. The study aims to understand the impact of pre-trip information on the travel behavior. A data from Taipei citizens with stated preference was conducted to modeling the multinomial logit and nested logit model. The result shows that if people get the information, the chance they choose the public transit will increase. Different type and content of the information cause the different effect. The effect of the advise is better than the descriptive information. Taipei citizens are more sensitive to travel time than travel cost. The simulation shows that if the Yilan’s government improves local traffic and provides the information at the same time, the effect of changing the mode choice will better.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453606
Appears in Collections:Thesis