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dc.contributor.authorChou, Han-Yinen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Chia-Chien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要在探討不同的受助者困境類型與勸募訴求下,如何對捐贈者的捐助行為 (包含實際捐款金額與捐款意願) 產生影響。在困境類型方面,分成「雪中送炭」與「錦上添花」兩種;而在勸募訴求方面,分成「利己- 福報」、「利己- 為善最樂」與「捐獻愛心」三種。 「雪中送炭」是指受助者生活水平已經處於瀕臨或微低於勉強糊口的狀態,又發生突發性的事件造成生活上的重大困難,生活水平呈現立即且快速的下滑,急需外界協助;「錦上添花」是指受助者處於可維持基本生計的狀態,但若想要改變或提升現況,期許未來有機會變得更好或更有成就,就需要外界的幫忙。而在勸募訴求上,「福報」與「為善最樂」都屬於利己的勸募訴求,其指的是捐款人的幫助會為捐款人本身帶來好處,兩者的差異在於「為善最樂」單純著重在行善當下會讓捐款人感到快樂,而「福報」具有行善後美好的事物會回饋在未來 (有形或無形的利益交換)、老天爺會眷顧捐贈者的意涵。 本研究的實驗結果顯示,困境類型與勸募訴求之交互作用達統計上的顯著,亦即困境類型與勸募訴求對於實際捐款金額有交互作用影響。在「福報」的勸募訴求下,受試者捐給「雪中送炭」受助者的捐款金額高於「錦上添花」的受助者;而在「為善最樂」與「捐獻愛心」的勸募訴求下,「錦上添花」募得的捐款金額高於「雪中送炭」。該交互作用唯存在「雪中送炭」的困境類型,「錦上添花」的情境下未因勸募訴求的不同而有差異,見幫助越慘的的受助者可能得到的回饋或無形福報較多的文化思維還是存在在台灣文化中。 綜觀本研究所得之結論,台灣社會仍相信多做好事會多受到老天爺的眷顧並多得點「福報」,且做越好的事或幫助越需要幫助的人,所能獲得的「福報」可能也越多。若慈善團體欲幫助急難類型 (亦即本研究的「雪中送炭」) 的受助者,使用利己的福報訴求可提高捐款金額,希望慈善組織在不同的情境下使用相對有效的訴求方式,提高組織運作效益外,也進而幫助更多需要幫助的人。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research focuses on how donator’s behavior (including donation amount and the willingness to donate) are effected by victim’s victim type and fundraising appeals. The victim types can be divided into two categories: “the emergent-poor” and “the icing on the cake”; on the other hand, the fundraising appeals can be categorized in three types, which are “karma-reward”, “helping people make you happier” and “love donation”. In this research, we define “the emergent-poor” as victims are face with sudden, unpredictable accidents, which make them suffering drastic drop in living standard and thus urgently need outside help, or they cannot survive the hardship. The opposite victim type is “the icing on the cake”, which means people are in a state of basic livelihoods, but if they want to change or enhance the status to become better or more successful, need outside help is still necessary for them. In addition, “karma-reward” and “helping people make you happier” are both self-benefit appeals, which means the beneficiary of donation are belong to donor. The differences are “helping people make you happier” simply focus on doing good will make the donors happy, and “karma-reward” highlight doing good will exchange good luck and feedback in the future with tangible or intangible way. The experimental results of this study show that there exists an interaction effect between victim types and fundraising appeals. For “the emergent-poor” victim type, “karma-reward” generates most money than others; relatively, for “the icing on the cake” victim type, “helping people make you happier” and “love donation” generate more than “karma-reward”. Last but not the least, the effect only exists in “the emergent-poor” situation. Lots of people in Taiwan still believe helping more people in need will bring more good luck for themselves; therefore, in the application of future practice, the charity may use “karma-reward” appeals to increase the amount of donations especially when the victim is “the emergent-poor” type.en_US
dc.subjectThe icing on the cakeen_US
dc.title對「雪中送炭」與「錦上添花」受助者的捐款行為研究- 捐款類型和勸募訴求的交互作用zh_TW
dc.titleThe Donation Research to “The Emergent-poor” and “The Icing on the Cake” Victims: The Interaction Effect between Victim Types and Fundraising Appealsen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis