Title: | 公共工程統包爭議之研究 -以臺灣臺北地方法院訴訟案為例 The Study on Dispute of Public Design-Build - A Case Study of Taipei District Court |
Authors: | 李潔玟 黃世昌 Li,Chieh-Wen Huang,Shyh-Chang 土木工程系所 |
Keywords: | 公共工程;統包工程;訴訟爭議;工程爭議;設計完成度;Public Construction;Design-Build;Litigation Dispute;The degree of Design Completion;Engineering Dispute |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 本研究經由文獻回顧及法院裁判書歸納整理出統包工程爭議之原因分為三種類型及14個分項,並同時蒐集「司法院法學資料檢索系統」中臺灣臺北地方法院民國89年至106年3月之公共工程統包爭議案例共133件,並用此訴訟案例進行分析。案例分析結果顯示在統包工程中最常發生爭議問題依序為工程計價之爭議、需求變更之爭議、工期之爭議、工程品質及瑕疵擔保之爭議、免責條款之解釋爭議、解釋權責歸屬之爭議、設計審查標準及範圍之爭議以及契約之解除與終止之爭議。需求變更中又以契約約定工作範圍之爭議最為常見,其次為材質及設備變更、工法或細部設計的變更之爭議。
由案例之統計歸納、分析結果可知,統包工程常因契約規範不清,契約中常以模糊或概括之條款,導致契約風險分配不均,統包工程契約應制定合理分配風險條款,以避免將大部分風險由統包商承擔。另外,台灣統包工程招標制度,因在發包時常僅以先期規畫之概括需求即進行招標、發包,未要求統包商在投標時之設計完成度,對於工程各個階段,如設計、施工與計價皆增加許多風險,參考國外文獻,若業主於招標時要求統包商提出某種程度之設計完成度(至少30%)以供決標,如此在更明確之需求下,將有助於需求變更之減少,使統包更趨公平、合理以及有效,減少爭議之產生。 According to the literature review and the court referee, the dispute of public Design-Build is divided into three categories and 14 items. Also, 133 cases about “Public Design-Build dispute” are collected from the Taipei City Court in a litigation database retrieval system of the Judicial Yuan across years 2000 to March 2017 and used for analysis. According to the statistics of the 133 cases, the results of the analysis show that the most controversial items are the project price, the demand change, the construction period, the project quality and defect warranty, the interpretation of the exemption clause, the authority of explanation, the design review standards and scope, and the relieve and termination of contract. The most controversial sub-item about demand change is the scope of the contract. Most of the tender of Design-Build in Taiwan did not require the contractor in the tender the degree of design completion which might causes the more uncertainty and risks for all stages of the project, particularly the design stage. Reference to literature, if the owner asked the contractor in the tender to a certain degree of design completion (at least 30%) to the final decision of contract awarding, will help reduce the demand for changes and the disputes arising. The unequal risk allocation of contract of Design-Build is another important topic. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451238 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/142208 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |