標題: 高層國際商務旅館避難弱者避難逃生性能規劃之研究
Analysis of Evacuation Performance-based planning of disabilities in An International High-rise Business Hotel
作者: 簡俊丞
關鍵字: 高層國際商務旅館;避難弱者;避難逃生;High-level international business hotel;evacuation of the weak;Asylum escape
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 近年來由於經濟蓬勃發展,科技發展快速,導致大量人口湧入都市地區,大樓建築物逐漸朝向高層化、現代化及複合化的模式發展。 當國人經濟狀況改善,大家也越來越注重休閒品質,連帶著帶動國內觀光旅遊業及住宿業發展。萬一發生火災或其它緊急事故,身處高層國際商務旅館內的住宿人員該如何安全有效的進行避難逃生,一直是高樓建築設計上重要的考量。 避難弱者由於本身肢體上的缺陷,其避難行動能力相較於一般人來的弱。一般而言,大概可略分為以下三類,分述如下:一、自行避難困難者,身體活動機能缺陷或視覺障礙須借助旁人協助移動者。二、可水平移動,但無法上下樓垂直移動者,需以拐杖等器具輔助行動。三、避難行動緩慢,高齡者,年老體衰,體力較弱,或因部分器官(視、聽覺)退化,對警報燈光、聲響察覺較弱,因而增加避難時間。 本研究是以台北市南港區某高層國際商務旅館為研究對象,針對住宿之避難弱者避難逃生性能規劃作研究。探討有關避難弱者於投宿旅館時,建議旅宿業者應安排在安全梯的對面客房為優先考量,該客房位置可以降低避難弱者在避難時阻擋後方正常人員之避難逃生。若扣除安全梯對面之客房,並非愈接近安全梯的客房就較為安全,若該逃生動線方向之排煙室太小,避難弱者於逃生時會阻擋住後方人員的逃生,因此會建議樓層中間客房為避難弱者住宿客房之次要選擇。另外,有關住宿客房高、中、低樓層安排部份,並非越低樓層就越安全,也並非越高樓層就越危險。避難弱者客房安排可位於建築物高、中、低任何一層樓層,對於整棟人員避難疏散時間並無直接影響。
In recent years, due to the rapid development of economy, rapid technological development, resulting in a large number of population into the urban areas, building buildings gradually towards high-level, modern and complex model development. When the people's economic situation improved, we also pay more and more attention to leisure quality, together with the domestic tourism and tourism industry to promote the development. In case of fire or other emergencies, accommodation in high-rise international business hotel how to safely and effectively evacuated, has been an important consideration for high-rise building design. Evacuation of the weak due to their own physical defects, the ability to evacuate compared to the average person to the weak. In general, it can be roughly divided into the following three categories, as follows: First, self-refuge, physical activity defects or visual impairment to help others with the help of mobile. Second, can move horizontally, but can not move up and down the vertical, need to crutches and other equipment to assist the action. Third, asylum action is slow, the elderly, old and frail, physical weakness, or because of some organs (visual, auditory) degradation, the alarm light, sound perception is weak, thus increasing the refuge time. This study is based on a high-level international business hotel in Nangang District, Taipei City, as a research object, for the accommodation of the evacuation of the weak evacuation performance planning for research. When it comes to the shelter of the shelter, it is advisable for the lodging business to arrange for a priority in the opposite room of the safety ladder, which can reduce the evacuation of the refugee in the evacuation of the evacuation of the normal person in the evacuation. If you take the safety ladder opposite the room, not the more close to the safety ladder of the room is more secure, if the escape line direction of the exhaust chamber is too small, evacuation of the weak in the escape will block the rear of the escape, it will recommend the middle of the floor Guest room is the second choice for guest room for evacuation. In addition, the accommodation room high, medium and low floor arrangement, not the lower the more secure the floor, nor the higher the more dangerous the floor. The evacuation of the weak rooms can be arranged in high, medium and low floors of the building, and there is no direct impact on the evacuation time of the whole staff.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070461015
Appears in Collections:Thesis