標題: 瓜地馬拉中小型旅館業商業計畫書
Business Plan for a Hotel Network in Guatemala Working with Small and Medium Size Hotel Businesses
作者: 洛飛南
Lopez Garcia, Nelson Fernando
Kang, Jin-Su
關鍵字: 商業計畫書;商業模式;中小企業;Business Plan;Business model;Small and medium size businesses
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究的目的在於為瓜地馬拉當地中小型旅館業建立 network的一份商業計畫書,就由這一份計畫書可以提供當地商家全新的生意概念、鼓勵創業以及增加就業機會。 另外一個動機是藉由在台灣當地所做的問卷當作基礎,為台灣與瓜地馬拉的旅遊市場建立一個客製化的平台,當作中間的橋樑。本計畫書將為沒有網路的中小型旅館建立一個網路平台;讓這些企業可以藉由網路提供訂房等服務給顧客。顧客可以有兩種獲得服務的方式,第一種是直接從旅館網站獲得相關資訊並且訂房;另一種是藉由中間平台,例如旅行社等,讓顧客獲得旅館相關的服務。 本研究的商業模式建立使用多種不同的面向,例如 sensitive analysis, descriptive statistics, and SWOT analysis.
The purpose of this study is to develop a Business Plan for a hotel network in Guatemala, especially focusing on small and medium size hotel businesses. The business plan benchmarks famous Chinese portal site “Alibaba”, because it intends to serve small and medium size businesses which are isolated in this information era due the lack of internet infrastructure. The target market is Greater China region by providing customized information based on empirical study. It will target both individual and package trip travelers, considering Chinese’s preference for group trip. Therefore, there are two ways (1) the potential customer visit the company’s website directly for booking and (2) the customer goes through tour operators and Agencies. Rigorous analyses including demand forecast, sensitivity, and SWOT analysis support reliability of the business plan.


  1. 854301.pdf

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