Title: 基於三維空間資訊之 工業用機械手臂操控介面設計
Manipulatory Interface Design for Industrial Robot Manipulators Based on 3D Information
Authors: 汪玟伶
Wang, Wen-Ling
Young, Kuu-Young
Keywords: 機械手臂;操控介面;三維空間資訊;Manipulators;Manipulatory Interface;3D Information
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 隨著機器人產業的發展,越來越多的工廠引進機械手臂進行工廠自動化生產,但隨著任務逐漸複雜,提供更直覺的操作方式以減輕操作員的負擔,成為重要的研究課題。目前的機械手臂的任務教導,大多以傳統式的教導盒或是操作電腦進行設定,需要花費較長的時間進行操控及設定,為了要使任務教導效率提高,友善的人機操控介面及方法是值得研究的方向。本論文使用Android平台之平板電腦來操作工業用機械手臂,使用者於平板介面進行卡式操控時,受限於以二維介面操控三維空間運動的侷限,並無法準確得知機械手臂與環境相互關係,因此加入深度感測器,據以提供三維空間資訊,輔助使用者提升操控效率,同時增加安全性,此外,也透過實驗比較所開發的介面與其他操控介面的表現,驗證了本研究所開發系統確實能有效減少使用者負擔、提高任務效率。我們也分析有無相關知識背景的受測者執行結果,並針對受測者作問卷調查,以了解受測者在使用所開發介面的感受,所得到的意見回饋將作為未來系統改進之參考。
Along with the development in robot technologies, many robots have been introduced to execute automated production. As current robot tasks become much more complicated, it is imperative to provide intuitive manipulation to reduce the burden of the worker. The teaching pendent and computer are commonly used for task planning, which take much time during their manipulation. To improve the performance in manipulation, a friendly human-robot interface is demanded. The proposed interface is based on Android platform and implemented on a tablet PC. To deal with the condition in using 2D interface to govern 3D movement, we adopt the depth sensor to provide 3D information in the working environment. The user can then take advantage of the information to enhance performance and safety. Experiments are performed based on using the proposed system and other interfaces. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system in reducing the load of the user. In addition, questionnaires are also used to acquire the feedback from subjects, which will help us to improve the system in the future.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070460069
Appears in Collections:Thesis