標題: 導入桌遊於程式教學之可行性:分析「海霸」初玩者的體驗
Introducing board games into coding instruction: An applicability study of first-time users’ experience playing the “King of Pirates”
作者: 紀小涵
Chi, Hsiao-Han
Chen, Ken-Zen
關鍵字: 桌上遊戲;程式教學;運算思維;Board game;Coding instruction;Computational thinking
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 數位科技時代興起,軟硬體不斷進步及創新技術的研發,程式設計是不可或缺的火車頭,近年來也成為各國重視的新國民素養。108年度程式設計將正式納入課綱成為我國國中以上正式課程的一部份,然而專業師資、教材及軟硬體設備的缺乏可能成為推行前需克服的挑戰。目前坊間已經出現不少程式教學相關的資源,但大多需要搭配特定軟硬體設備來使用,在一般學校較難以普及化,且可能使城鄉差距更甚。 有鑑於此,本研究分析桌遊「海霸」的初玩者,透過個別或團體訪談、參與觀察等質性研究的過程,瞭解初次接觸海霸的10位教師及29位學生對於使用桌遊進行程式教學或學習的態度和看法,並利用螺旋模式分析方法進行資料分析,目的在評估桌遊應用於程式教學的潛力,並根據初玩者的回饋歸納使用桌遊的可行作法及改善建議。 本研究對於桌遊應用於程式教學有如下的結論: 一、 學生對於透過桌遊來學習程式有高接受度 學生對於利用桌遊學習程式的接受度高,認為桌遊相較於其他學習程式的工具容易理解,且桌遊十分有趣,能提高他們學習的動力,無論是否曾接觸過程式的學生皆給予桌遊肯定的評價。 二、 學生能理解並詮釋桌遊中的運算邏輯思維但有部分誤解 遊戲主持人對桌遊的講解方式間接影響了學生理解遊戲中邏輯思維的方式。學生會利用他們從遊戲主持人學到的方式來對邏輯思維做詮釋,但研究者仍然發現學生對於If/else條件判斷的概念容易產生誤解,因此建議遊戲後需讓學生有表達所學的機會,以利於學習診斷與補救教學。 三、 教師對於將桌遊和程式教學結合持正向但保留的態度 教師對於桌遊應用於程式教學多持正向的態度,認為桌遊能減少學生使用電子產品的時間,且透過遊戲中反覆練習,學生不僅能從中學習程式的邏輯概念,也對日後的正式課程能有所幫助。然而桌遊整體進行所需的時間長,且若學生人數多,老師較難顧及每組的遊戲狀況,因此若要使用桌遊,仍有必須先克服的挑戰。 基於研究發現,本研究分別針對科技領域師資培育、桌遊、評量桌遊之學習效果等提出建議事項,並於最後提出本研究對未來後續研究之建議。
The rise of technology era in the present century depends on the continual innovation and progress of the digital software and hardware, thus pushes computer programming a new literacy of citizens among nations. In Taiwan, programming language will be introduced as part of the national curriculum in junior high school and beyond starting 2019 academic year. However, the implementation of coding instruction is still in question due to the insufficient preparation of qualified teachers, teaching materials, hardware facilities, and software packages. Even though a few alternative solutions to coding education - those are developed by communities or market vendors – draw somewhat success, many of them require additional investments in equipment, software, and staffing which make the solutions merely unscalable. In the light of bring coding education for all, this study analyzed first-time users of the board game “King of Pirates (KOP)”. The researcher qualitatively used participant observations, individual and group interviews, and documents to understand ten teachers’ attitude and twenty-nine students’ acceptance about KOP. Data were triangulated and analyzed in circulation to evaluate the effectiveness of KOP in terms of eliciting computational thinking capabilities. The researcher then generalized ways and recommendations in integrating KOP as part of classroom instructions. The major findings of this study were in three folds. First, students had a high regard using board games to learn programming. KOP helped learn the execution of certain programming statements. Moreover, the winning strategy that students generated throughout the game promoted higher-order thinking. Students also considered KOP motivational. Most of them had experiences using other resources to learn programming languages, but they still ranked KOP over other resources. Second, students comprehended and interpreted the conceptual elements of coding well after playing the game, while had a fraction of misconceptions. The game manager (GM) indirectly affected the way students comprehend the conceptual elements of coding. Students mimicked how GM explained these conceptual elements, but few of them were still confused conceptualizing the “If/else” statement. The researcher suggests that teachers need to offer students opportunities to share what they learned after playing KOP such that teachers could diagnose potential misunderstandings right after the game sessions. Third, most teachers had positive but somewhat conservative attitude about applying board games in classroom coding instruction. Teachers considered that board game reduces the time young children using electronic devices, and those children can still and learn about computational thinking concepts by playing KOP. However, board game needs a set of time to play, and managing multiple KOP game sessions in a large classroom simultaneously can be difficult. These valid concerns need to be resolved before KOP can be introduced to classrooms. Suggestions for teacher education, learning effectiveness of board game, board game itself, and further studies about board games were described in the last chapter of this thesis.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070459637