標題: 青少年社會比較嫉妒:情境詮釋、嫉妒與因應策略關係之研究
Social Comparison Envy in Adolescence:The Relationships among Appraisals, Envy, and Coping Strategies
作者: 黃意翔
Huang, Yi-Hsiang
Liu, Yih-Lan
關鍵字: 情境詮釋;應得性;控制性;社會比較嫉妒;因應策略;appraisals;deservingness;control;social comparison envy;coping strategies
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究旨在探討青少年好友之間在人緣領域與學業領域裡經歷向上比較之後,個體對情境詮釋之應得性與控制性如何影響個體的嫉妒情緒,以及其後續所使用的因應方式,並探討嫉妒情緒與因應方式是否會因性別而有所差異。本研究以國中學生為研究對象,研究工具為自編之「友誼互動問卷」,情境短文內容主要分為「人緣領域」與「學業領域」,各包含三個分量表,分別為「情境詮釋分量表」、「嫉妒情緒分量表」以及「因應策略分量表」。施測結果共蒐集710份有效樣本,以多變量變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析及結構方程模式分析等統計方法進行統計處理。主要研究發現如下:(一) 不管在人緣或是學業領域裡,女生所產生的嫉妒情緒皆顯著高於男生;(二) 不論是在人緣領域或是學業領域,青少年在因應嫉妒所使用的策略上並無性別差異;(三) 在人緣領域,青少年對於情境詮釋的應得性會透過嫉妒情緒影響個體負向消極策略的使用;對於情境詮釋的控制性會透過嫉妒情緒影響個體負向消極策略的使用;(四) 在學業領域,青少年對於情境詮釋的應得性會透過嫉妒情緒影響個體正向積極策略的使用;對於情境詮釋的應得性會透過嫉妒情緒影響個體負向消極策略的使用。
The main purposes of this study were to: 1) investigate how appraisals of deservingness and control elicit envy and influence one’s coping strategies in interpersonal and academic domains; and 2) to analyze whether there is gender difference in envy and coping strategies. The instruments used in this study included “Appraisal Scale”, “Envy Scale”, and “Coping Strategies Scale”. 710 junior high school students participated in this study. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), Pearson product moment correlation, and Structural Equation Modeling were used to analyze the data. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1. In interpersonal domain and academic domain, girls showed higher envy than boys. 2. In interpersonal domain and academic domain, there was no gender differences in coping strategies. 3. In interpersonal domain, the mediating effect of “envy” was found in the relationship between deservingness and negative coping strategies. 4. In interpersonal domain, the mediating effect of “envy” was found in the relationship between control and negative coping strategies. 5. In academic domain, the mediating effect of “envy” was found in the relationship between deservingness and positive coping strategies. 6. In academic domain, the mediating effect of “envy” was found in the relationship between deservingness and negative coping strategies.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359609