Title: | 概念結合訓練、詮釋嘗試次數與概念抽象程度對新概念產生的影響 The Effect of Conceptual Combination Training, the Number of Interpretive Attempts and Abstractness of Concepts on Idea Generation |
Authors: | 張瀞云 洪瑞雲 Chang, Ching-Yun Horng, Ruey-Yun 工業工程與管理系所 |
Keywords: | 概念結合;認知歷程;合作;抽象概念;創意;conceptual combination training;imagination;abstractness of concepts;the number of interpretation attempts |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 概念結合是指將兩個或是兩個以上不同的概念組合以產生一新概念的認知歷程。本研究即在探討概念結合訓練、概念的抽象程度與詮釋次數對新概念創意程度的影響。104名大學生與研究生被隨機分派到不同的概念結合訓練情境的小組,實驗組接受概念結合訓練,控制組則無。之後,每個人要對6對含有具象或抽象概念的名詞-名詞配對進行三次詮釋。結果發現,新概念的獨創性會隨著詮釋次數的增加而顯著上升,概念結合訓練對新概念的創意接近顯著。概念的抽象程度對新概念創意的影響不顯著。另一方面,概念結合訓練會影響概念結合時使用的詮釋方式,有概念結合訓練的人使用屬性相關詮釋的次數顯著較多;相反的,沒有概念結合訓練的人使用關係詮釋的次數則顯著較多。屬性交集的詮釋出現則隨著詮釋次數增加而上升;關係詮釋則隨著詮釋次數上升而下降。類比詮釋中抽象概念佔多數;屬性交集詮釋中具象概念佔多數。 Conceptual combination is combining two or more than two concepts to generate a new concept. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of conceptual combination training, abstractness of concepts, and number of interpretation attempts on the originality of the generated new concepts. 104 university students were randomly assigned to conceptual combination training groups and a control group. The subjects in conceptual combination training conditions were given conceptual combination training and practice either in small groups or in nominal groups. While the subjects in control group worked on a filler task. All the subjects then were asked to work on six noun-noun pairs which contains either an abstract noun or all concrete nouns three times. The results showed that the new ideas were more original as the number of interpretive attempts increased. There was also a trend that ideas generated after conceptual combination training were more original. Conceptual combination training also affect the types while subjects made interpretation during conceptual combination. Those receiving conceptual combination training made significantly more property – related interpretations than the control group, the control group relied more on relation interpretations during conceptual combination. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070053353 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/142415 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |