Title: 設計與實作一個為物聯網應用的封包聚合和計費系統
Design and Implementation of A Packet Aggregation and Charging System for IoT Applications
Authors: 莊朝翔
Zhuang, Chao-Xiang
Keywords: 物聯網;霧計算;軟體定義網路;封包聚合;計費系統;IoT;fog computing;SDN;MQTT;packet aggregation;charging system
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 在最近幾年來,物聯網 (IoT)發展極為迅速,物聯網相關的周邊服務也相應產生,而雲端服務就是其中的一項,IoT 設備可以把資料傳輸到雲端上的平台上,使用者就可以透過網路存取,分析雲端平台上的資料,而雲端平台的提供者就會向使用者收取費用。而我們所設計實作的系統就是依照一些著名網站上所制定的收費機制,將這個收費機制實作在一個實體SDN交換機上,並且使用者可以在網站上看到有關他的一些收費資訊。除此之外,由於收費機制是依照平台上所接收到的封包個數來計算,我們也在實體的SDN交換機上實作了一個封包聚合系統來降低總傳輸的封包數來達到省錢的效果。最後的實驗結果顯示計費系統對CPU使用率的負擔非常低,而封包聚合系統的確降低了傳送的封包個數來達到了省錢的效果而且也節省了頻寬的使用
In this thesis, we design, implement, and evaluate the performance of a packet aggregation and charging system in an SDN bare metal commodity switch. By running the packet charging system, a user can see his charging information on the Web. The rules used by the packet charging mechanism are based on the charging rules of some famous websites. With the packet aggregation system, we can merge multiple packets into a packet. Our experimental results show that the CPU overhead of the packet charging system is little, the CPU overhead of the packet aggregation system is only 8 percents, and the packet aggregation system can reduce the number of charged packets and save the bandwidth usage.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456519
Appears in Collections:Thesis