Title: 父母使用兒童安全座椅的風險感認、態度及行為
Parents’ Risk Perceptions, Attitudes, and Behaviours relating to Car Seat Usage
Authors: 諶科廷
Chen, Ke Ting
Woo, T. Hugh
Keywords: 兒童安全;汽車安全座椅;風險感認;態度;child safety;car seat;risk perceptions;attitudes
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 近期的兒童事故新聞當中,可以發現未正確使用兒童安全座椅案件不少,顯示部分家長對於幼童乘車的安全觀念不夠正確。本研究採用問卷調查法瞭解父母人格特質、對於交通安全態度、對於兒童乘客安全的態度、對於兒童安全法規的認知、風險感認以及兒童安全座椅使用行為。研究於新竹地區的幼稚園搜集三百八十八份有效問卷。研究結果顯示性別、教育程度、安全座椅數量、法規認知、家庭月收入、平均一周接送小孩長程距離與父母使用兒童安全座椅行為有關連性。另外,兒童安全座椅使用行為受到對於兒童乘客安全的態度、對於兒童安全法規認知以及風險感認影響,代表父母對於兒童乘客安全態度愈好、對於兒童安全法規認知愈良好以及風險感認程度愈高,父母在兒童安全座椅使用行為上會趨向更為安全。
In recent child injury news, we can find that there are many cases about using car seat improperly, which illustrates that part of the parents’ attitudes relating to safe child occupant travel is incorrect. This study used questionnaires to investigate parents’ personality, attitudes relating to general road safety, attitudes relating to safe child occupant travel, knowledge relating to child safety regulations, risk perceptions, and behaviours relating to car seat usage. 388 effective questionnaires were collected among kindergartens in Hsinchu. The result indicates that gender, educational level, the quantity of car seats, knowledge relating to safety regulations, household monthly income, and the number of times of picking up child weekly in the long distance have relevance to parents’ behaviors relating to car seat usage. In addition, parents’ behaviors relating to car seat usage is influenced by attitudes relating to safe child occupant travel, knowledge relating to child safety regulations and risk perceptions, which represents that the better parents’ attitudes relating to safe child occupant travel becomes, the greater parents’ knowledge relating to safety regulations increases and the higher risk perceptions they have, it will be more secure toward parents’ behaviors relating to car seat usage.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453619
Appears in Collections:Thesis