标题: 固定航線客船乘客安全感知與安全認知之影響因素分析 -以布袋-馬公航線為例
Factors affecting safety perception and cognition of liner passenger ships -A case study of liner shipping between Budai and Makung in Taiwan
作者: 劉錫謙
Liu, Hsi-Chien
Woo, T. Hugh
关键字: 固定航線客船;安全感知;安全認知;Liner Shipping;Safety Perception;Safety Cognition
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究透過紙本與網路問卷調查,瞭解固定航線客船乘客對安全設施材質、空間開放性及服務人員互動等方面之安全感知狀況與自身安全認知狀況。由因素分析萃取出「安全設備(施)」、「營運安全」、「安全知識」、「遵守規定」、「環境整潔」及「自身權益」等六個安全認知因素,再透過統計方法檢定安全感知及安全認知是否有顯著差異,並以多元迴歸分析探討樣本特性、安全感知特性及安全認知因素間之關係。結果顯示,不同安全設施材質、空間開放性設計與服務人員互動方式對乘客安全感知程度有顯著差異。男性受訪者對登船梯扶手設計之安全感知程度整體皆較女性受訪者高;紙本問卷受訪者對登船梯扶手設計之安全感知程度皆較網路問卷受訪者高。女性對於安全設備(施)及安全知識的認知較男性低;教育程度較低的乘客對營運安全及自身權益的認知較高,工商服務業及軍公教相較其他職業在營運安全的認知較高;搭船經驗越多對安全知識方面較熟悉,搭船目的為旅遊之受訪者在營運安全、安全知識及自身權益的認知較高。紙本問卷受訪者在安全知識及自身權益的認知較網路問卷受訪者高;而專人示範的安全訓練教學方式相較於其他方式之安全感知程度差異越大,對安全認知因素同意程度越高。不同安全訓練教學方式,影響乘客安全認知程度會有不同,其中專人示範的方式,透過現場操作及專人解說,讓乘客易於了解,故其認知同意程度最高;而「營運安全」因多涉及船舶即時狀況,乘客對此的安全認知程度較低。本研究結果可作為客船業者在船舶構建、安全設施設置及安全宣導方面之改善依據,並供政府在管理規範上政策之參考。
Web-based and paper-based questionnaire was used to investigate the safety cognition and perception of safety equipment, cabin openness, and crew interaction. Based on factor analysis, six dimensions are identified as safety equipment, operation safety, safety knowledge, rules compliance, surroundings cleanness, and own rights. This study used statistical methods to find out whether there are any differences in safety perception and safety cognition, and multiple regression analysis to survey the relationship among respondent backgrounds, safety perception, and safety cognition. The findings indicated that the safety perception of passengers is significantly influenced by different levels of safety equipment, of cabin openness, and of crew interaction. Overall, male respondents have higher safety perception of boarding ladder than female respondents. Paper-based questionnaire respondents have higher safety perception of boarding ladder than web-based questionnaire respondents. Female respondents have lower safety cognition of safety equipment and safety knowledge than male respondents. The respondents of lower educational levels have higher safety cognition of operation safety and own rights than those with high educational level. More experiences of shipping bears higher level safety cognition of safety knowledge. Tourists have higher safety cognition of operation safety, safety knowledge, and own rights than others. Paper-based questionnaire respondents have higher level safety cognition of safety knowledge and own rights than web-based questionnaire respondents. The safety cognition of passengers differs by the ways of safety publicity. The passengers can learn easily from on-site personnel demonstration, resulting that the passengers have higher level of safety cognition. Passengers bear low level of safety cognition of operation safety as it is related to sailing situation. Finally, for future reference to the safety policy modification, the results of this study could be applied to improve the ship structure, safety equipment, and safety regulations.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070053215