Title: | 貨櫃船隊最適船型與船速之研究 -以高雄至洛杉磯航線為例 Studies on the Optimal Ship Size and Speed of a Fleet of Containerships–the Case of Kaohsiung - Los Angeles Liner Service |
Authors: | 李承軒 Chen-Hsuan Lee 謝尚行 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 貨櫃船型;規模經濟性;Containership Size;Scale Economy |
Issue Date: | 2006 |
Abstract: | 對於航商來說,決定船隊之船舶數量、噸位以及船速一直都是非常重要的決策,因為這些因素都會影響船舶的造價及效率,進而影響到航商的利潤以及競爭力;尤其在近年來船價上漲的情形下,航商在投入巨額的資金成本之前,勢必要做一審慎的評估以及規劃。因此,若一昧的靠增大船型來追求單位營運成本的最小化,並不能保證航商在既定的航線上能夠獲得最大的利潤(運費收入- 營運成本)。 過去有關於貨櫃船型的研究中,各學者多從成本面來分析最適船型。本研究則考慮一個船隊在滿足每個港口每周有一船班的前提下,船隊之船舶數量、噸位以及船速對於成本面以及收益面的抵換(trade off)關係,並且以利潤最大化為目標,建立一個非線性規劃模式,分析航商如何決定在既有航線上貨櫃船隊之最佳船舶數量、船型及船速。在此前提下,本研究之分析將更符合航商的實際規劃情境,其研究結果將更具有參考價值。 關鍵詞:貨櫃船型;規模經濟性;非線性規劃 It is very important for liner operators to decide the ship size, the speed and the number of containerships in a fleet. These factors can extremely affect the price and the efficiency of their containerships, and more, the profit and the competitive ability of the company. Most of previous researchers devoted their attention to the problem only from cost perspective. However, seeking the minimum unit operation cost cannot guarantee the maximum profit for shipowners. Considering a closer planning scenario of liner operators, providing one voyage each week in every port, this study attempts to formulate a nonlinear programming model seeking the optimum size, speed and the number of containerships in a fleet, so that the profit of the company would be maximized. This research will also analyze the trade-off relationships among the fleet scale, ship size, and ship speed for liner operators. Keywords: Containership Size, Scale Economy, Nonlinear Programming |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/79430 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |