Title: 使用平行處理時間數位轉換器與相位內插數位控制振盪器之快速鎖定全數位鎖相迴路
Fast-Locking All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop with Parallel Processing TDC and Interpolated DCO
Authors: 范盛凱
Fan, Sheng-Kai
Hung, Chung-Chih
Keywords: 全數位鎖相迴路;時間數位轉換器;數位控制振盪器;快速鎖定;ADPLL;TDC;DCO;Fast-Locking
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 鎖相迴路用於產生穩定且具參考價值的時脈訊號,以便系統操作規律有秩序,作為電路心臟持續提供穩定之時脈訊號,近年來廣泛使用在SOC (System On Chip)應用上,更是攜帶式、通訊用等電子產品中不可或缺的角色。類比鎖相迴路已經有數十年的發展歷史,但是近年來為了能配合製程微縮以及降低晶片成本等考量下,數位式鎖相迴路電路之優點和需求逐漸被彰顯出來,展露出取代類比式之姿。
第一顆晶片輸出頻率鎖定至800MHz,量測結果包含1.51ps的方均根時間抖動(RMS Jitter)與7.56ps的峰對峰值時間抖動(Peak-to-Peak Jitter),平均功率消耗為11.34mW,晶片核心面積為0.1mm2。而第二顆晶片模擬800MHz的平均峰對峰值時間抖動(Peak-to-Peak Jitter)為4.71ps,平均功率消耗為11.7mW,晶片核心面積為0.128mm2。
Phase-locked loops (PLL) generate a stable clock signal as a reference siganl to ensure circuits operate correctly. Nowadays, PLLs are widely used for SOC applications, such as wireless communication synthesizers, so it is indispensable in many applications. The analog phase-locked loop (APLL) has been developing for several years. However, in recent years, the all-digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL) has been gradually more mature, and it reveals its potential to replace the APLL.
In this thesis, we implement the ADPLL by using full-custom design flow. The design concept of the first chip is, instead of the traditional time-to-digital converter (TDC) using cascade architecture, using a parallel processing TDC to reduce the operation time and the dynamic power consumption. In addition, the digitally controlled oscillator (DCO), adopting the interpolated mechanism, can reduce the output frequency Jitter in order to achieve a more accurate locking frequency. The proposed DCO with a linearly periodic structure has the operation range from 273MHz to 1110MHz.
The design of the second chip, based on the first chip, adds an external adjustable divider so that the output signal can be locked to different frequencies. With the additional frequency tracking engine (FTE), the output can jump to the target frequency quickly to reduce the locking time. Therefore, the overall performance of the PLL is further improved.
The output frequency of the first chip is locked at 800MHz. The measurement results show the RMS Jitter of 1.51ps, the Peak-to-Peak Jitter of 7.56ps, average power consumption of 11.34mW, and the core area of 0.1mm2. While the second chip locks at 800 MHz, simulation results show the Peak-to-Peak Jitter of 4.71ps, average power consumption of 11.7 mW, and the core area of 0.128 mm2.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070450734
Appears in Collections:Thesis