Title: 旅程-重「心」開始
A Journey-Restart from the “Heart”
Authors: 陳靈丹
Lai, Wen-Shu
Keywords: 心;身體;夢境;靈魂;自我探索;heart;body;dream;soul;self-exploration
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本論文為筆者畢業創作,包括裝置《Into thou heart》以及兩本繪《Sunshine hotel》和《小伙》的自述。兩本繪本都是由自我探索以及潛意識的夢境為靈感,在創作的過程中不斷的反思與修改。第一本繪本定義了時間的概念,第二本則是表達了以段為單位的時間概念。其中涉及到自己對時間、環境、身體、靈魂的理解,並整理筆者受傷後所創作的繪畫作品,進而探索繪畫過程中心靈與身體間的關係。受傷之後因為身體之故而不便出門,同時需要用很長的時間來照顧自己。在一個相對封閉的空間裡,我開始和自己的內心對話:「如果把這兩到三年的時間放在這一生自我的『內在時間』上,其實痛苦並不長」。和自己對話似乎也把自己的心安置起來,心就像一個神明住在你的身體裡。漸漸的我會發現自己有了新的方向,我在重生,這些改變帶領我從新的角度去審視接下來的生命旅途和創作。
This paper is the author’s graduation work, including the installation “Into thou heart” and the self-narration of two picture books “Sunshine Hotel” and “Xiaohuo”. The inspiration of these two picture books comes from self-exploration and subconscious dreamland. Both of them experience constant reflection and modification in the creation process. The first book gives a definition of time, and the second one shows the conception of time with “period” as a unit. They involve the self-understanding on time, environment, body and soul, collecting painting works after the author’s injury so as to explore the relationship between soul and body during painting. After my injury, it’s not easy for me to go out; at the same time, I need a long period of time to take care of myself. In a relative closed space, I began to conduct a communication with my own heart: “If I put these two or three years on my 'internal time' in the whole life, the painful time will not be so long.” Talking with myself seems to find a place for my heart and the heart live in my body like a god. Gradually, I find a new direction for myself and I am reborn. These changes lead me to view the following life journey and creation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359221
Appears in Collections:Thesis