標題: 顧客對鐵路局行李房服務品質差距與滿意度之研究分析-以新竹市民眾為例
A Study on the Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Baggage Service for Taiwan Railways Administration - A Case of Hsinchu City Publics
作者: 林家傑
Lin, Chia-Chieh
Chiang, Chi
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 台灣鐵路管理局;行李房;服務品質;顧客滿意度;PZB模式;Taiwan Railways Administration;Baggage Service Counter;Service Quality;Customer Satisfaction;PZB model
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 隨著國民所得增加及社會環境的變化,使得大眾開始重視生活品質及旅遊休閒,而民眾選擇旅遊交通工具時,鐵路是既環保又經濟實惠的選擇,且台灣鐵路管理局為加強旅客的運輸需求而在車站設有行李房,提供行李運送、機踏車託運及寄存行李服務,但因坊間業者的價格低廉,有部分顧客流失。鐵路局行李房為持續經營就需以顧客服務為導向,提升服務品質並了解此服務是否符合顧客所期望以創造顧客的高滿意度。 本研究利用PZB模式為架構,以新竹市民眾為研究對象,分析顧客對於鐵路局行李房服務品質之期望與知覺的差距,並探討不同人口統計變數之顧客差異以及顧客滿意度之影響。其中有效問卷共459份,將問卷整理並透過信度及效度分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析來進行各項檢驗。 研究結果顯示,顧客對於鐵路局行李房服務品質之期望與知覺有顯著差距,且期望服務品質均高於實際感受,在「可靠性」構面的期望與知覺最高。此外,知覺服務品質之「有形性」、「可靠性」、「保證性」及「關懷性」構面會正向影響顧客滿意度,僅「回應性」構面對於顧客滿意度的影響不顯著。
With the change in time and the increase in GDP, travel becomes a lifestyle for the publics. One of the critical issues for travel is the transportation and rail is one of the environmentally friendly and economic options for travel. In Taiwan, Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) has a baggage service counter in the station for travelers’ transport needs. Additionally, TRA also offers high quality service, such as checked baggage and luggage storage service. Due to the cut-throat competition, the market share for TRA is decreasing. As the service quality of the baggage service counters becomes one of the solutions for the competitive strategy and sustainable operation, TRA needs to enhance the quality of tourism service and achieve customers’ expectations. The research uses the PZB model and focuses on the customers in Hsinchu city to explore the differences between customers’ “expected service” and “perceived service” and then analyzes the differences in different kinds of the customers and the influence on customer satisfaction. In the study, we get four hundred and fifty nine valid questionnaires. Furthermore, we sort out the questionnaires and do the reliability and validity analysis, t-test, ANOVA analysis and regression analysis. The results find out that there is a gap between the customers’ expectation and their perception of the service quality in the baggage service counter, and that all the service expectation is much higher than perception. The results show: 1) The dimension of reliability gets higher scores in expectation and perception than other dimensions; 2) The dimension of tangibles, reliability, assurance and empathy in PZB model have significant positive effects on customer satisfaction.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070553137
Appears in Collections:Thesis