Title: 臺灣上市櫃IC設計廠商之人力資本效率:網絡資料包絡分析法之應用
Human Capital Efficiency of Listed and OTC Taiwan IC Design Firms: An Application of Network DEA
Authors: 陳文儀
Chen, Wen-Yi
Hu, Jin-Li
Keywords: 網絡資料包絡分析法;微觀與宏觀人力資本效率;僱用契約履行;激勵-保健理論;Network Data Envelopment Analysis;Micro and Macro Human Capital Efficiency;Employee Contract Fulfillment;Motivation-Hygiene Theory
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: 本研究以37家臺灣上市櫃IC設計廠商為主要之研究對象,採用產出導向之網絡資料包絡分析法,進行人力資本網絡效率分析。藉由微觀與宏觀人力資本之理論為概念框架,建構本研究之實證模型,第一階段為員工層級之微觀人力資本觀點,主要係探討人力資本所形成之知識能力與工作經驗,能否有效地轉換為員工因勞動所產生之直接性收益;投入變數涵蓋員工教育年數與工作年資,產出變數為員工薪資收入。第二階段則運用組織層級之宏觀人力資本觀點,以企業角度來探討:對於人力資本所進行之投資支出,能否有效地轉換為組織之營運績效;投入變數包含員工薪資費用與員工分紅,產出變數為營業收入。本研究之主要發現為:IC設計廠商之微觀與宏觀人力資本效率存在顯著負相關,顯現員工與組織對於薪資報酬確實存在差異性觀點。其次,微觀人力資本效率與員工流動率呈現顯著負相關,象徵微觀人力資本效率為高,相對而言,可反映其員工流動率為低,代表員工受組織之重視程度,確實會影響其在企業內之存留意願,該實證結果與僱用契約履行有所連結。而從宏觀人力資本效率之實證角度來看,宏觀人力資本效率為高,並無法表示該組織之獲利能力亦為高,上述結果皆支持激勵-保健理論之概念,並隱含內在激勵措施相較於有形財務報酬,亦不容忽視。
The purpose of this study is to analyze Human Capital Network Efficiency of Listed and OTC Taiwan IC Design firms with an output-oriented slacks-based network data envelopment analysis (DEA) model. Our empirical model is established according to the theoretical framework of micro and macro perspectives in human capital theory. Therefore, first stage is based on micro-perspective, employees’ point of view, mainly to explore whether human capital formed by knowledge ability and working experiences can efficiently transform into individual-level outcomes. Inputs include employees’ years of education before work and seniorities. Output variable is employees’ salaries. Patent amounts serve as intermediate linkage between two stages. Second stage, concerning macro-perspective from enterprise level, contains employees’ salaries and bonuses as inputs, while enterprise yearly revenue as output. Findings suggest a significant negative correlation between micro and macro human capital efficiency among IC Design Firms. In addition, firms with high micro-human capital efficiency could be symbolized as low employee turnover rate, which supports the concept of Employee contract fulfillment. However, enterprises with high macro-human capital efficiency could not be directly symbolized as high profitability. The empirical results imply that intrinsic incentives and tangible compensation are all important. Finally, human capital efficiency management matrix provides relevant instructions and suggestions.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070553719
Appears in Collections:Thesis