標題: 內外向人格與溝通成效關聯性研究-以溝通能力作為中介變數
A Study of Relationship between Personality Extraversion-introversion and Communication Result Occupational Communication ability as a Mediator
作者: 邱吉祥
Chiu, Chi-Hsiang
Tseng, Fang-Ta
關鍵字: 內向人格;外向人格;溝通成效;溝通能力;personality;extraversion;introversion;communication ability;communication result
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本研究企圖了解內外、中向和外向三種不同人格特質的人在不同溝通能力的構面下對於溝通成效的影響,以性格當作自變項,溝通結果當作應變項,並使用溝通能力作為中介變數來探討。研究中使用內外向自我評估問卷調查性格分類,並使用溝通適當性及溝通有效量表為溝通結果的研究工具,總共回收有效問卷300份,研究結果發現: 1.內向人格特質在溝通成效的溝通有效度高於外向人格特質 2.在溝通成效的溝通滿意度內外向人格並沒有顯著差異 3.內向人格在溝通上懂得更適當的自我揭露 4.外向人格在溝通能力上有較好的天賦
This study the relationship between personality and communication result: communication appropriateness and communication effectiveness or not. We use communication ability as a mediator. The questionnaire was applied into collecting data, and personalities were measured with the personality test and communication results were measured with the Conversational Appropriateness and Effectiveness Scales in the sample of 200 valid questionnaires. The result of the study indicated that Personality of Extraversion-Introversion did influence communication ability and result. For communication effectiveness, personality of introversion is better than extroversion but no different for communication appropriateness. And personality of introversion people knowing how to appropriate disclosure them self but personality of extroversion people good for communication ability.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070153764