標題: 意外的靈光,知道詩意乍現的時候
Unexpected Aura, Knowing When Poetic Moment Suddenly Appear
作者: 温家榮
Wen, Chia-Jung
Ho, Jen-Hwang
關鍵字: 建築現象學;道德經;詩意;靈光;Architectural Phenomenology;Dao De Jing;Poetic;Aura
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本論文乃作者在交大的建築學習生涯中,於三個問題之間來回探究的過程。從「建築是什麼?」到「建築設計怎麼做?」到「不如就做吧?」。作者留意到人生經歷裡面常對空間偶發的感動而生的詩意現象。起初無法掌握,也不知道為何有這些現象。而作者轉念從身體力行的直接與事物「遭遇」而逐漸知道其中的一些道理。作者認為這些現象不是能用大腦去記住的,而是用身體去感受的。作者也進一步的透過實作追問三個問題:「建築如何自己持續被建造?」「機器是否也能像人一樣?」「如何學習掌握詩意的創造?」最後作者以一系列設計作品做為這段探究的結論:必須忘掉怎麼做,不要用大腦去記得,才會真的知道,才能繼續知道。
This dissertation is a process of author's learning career in NCTU GIA. A series of exploration between three questions. From "What is architecture?" to "How to do architecture design?" to "Why not just do the design?"He noticed which make a space poetic is some unexpected phenomenons. At first, he didn't know why and how those phenomenons happen. But when he directly "encountered" those things with his physical body. Author started to know some of the truths behind them. Those phenomenons can not be remembered by one's mind, but to feel them with physical body. By practice, he also ask three further questions : "How to make architecture build itself?" and "Can machine feel things like human do?" and "How to master the creation of poetic?" In the end, with a series of drawings, comes to a conclusion : One must forget, do not try to remember. Then one will truly know, and to know again.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359504