標題: 半導體微污染監測設備的應用與營運策略 ─以C公司為例
AMC Detection Equipment of Semiconductor application and business strategy for C company.
作者: 龍賢炎
Lung, Hsien-Yen
Chung, Hui-Min
Huang, Kuan-cheng
關鍵字: 半導體;微汙染;監測設備;AMC;Equipment;Semiconductor
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 儘管台灣是全球半導體設備最大市場,但全球半導體製程設備及其關鍵零組件主要還是由國外進口,台灣半導體設備全球市占率相當低,而因為國內設備自製率仍偏低,所以本土廠商並未從中受惠,即使看好台灣半導體產業未來的成長態勢,但國內廠商可著墨的設備仍非常有限,使得台灣半導體產業發展受到相當大的限制,不僅採買價格昂貴,設備的維護和更新,軟體升級等都皆受制於這些海外大廠,也影響了半導體產業技術的自主性。 而2015年大陸紅色供應鏈的崛起,其挾著國家機器與政府的支持,以充沛的資金與銀彈,想培植自有技術來生產記憶體;在2016年以後的3~5年內,進一步的培植半導體設備的供應鏈,想必也是預期中的事,有鑒於此,若能以台灣現有技術透過台灣半導體廠的推廣與應用,將相關業者與半導體設備商等進一步的形成策略聯盟,即可增加產業競爭力。 因此,個案公司─C公司十餘年來投入製程高精度環境監測與控制設備自製化領域,結合研發能力進入先進之傳輸盒線上監測設備,提出符合高階製程迷你環境微汙染之控制需求,成為高階製程前往次世代的最佳夥伴,配合客製化服務的優勢,搭上2016年之後台灣與大陸新設備投資的順風車,進而取得關鍵設備的供應,拓展市佔率,使國內的半導體環境監測設備業在全球市場上佔有一席之地。
Although Taiwan is the biggest market of worldwide semiconductor equipment,but most of key process equipment and key parts and components are still rely on the supplier in WW such as Europe、USA、Japan. Taiwan self-producing semiconductor equipment share ratio is very low in WW,the local vendor from Taiwan is hardly to get the business even the Taiwan semiconductor business is continue growth. Therefore, the development of Taiwan semiconductor industry is limited to high equipment costs, equipment maintenance, equipment updates and software upgrade. Besides, the rise of the “Red Supply Chain” also takes threat to the electronics industry in Taiwan. China government fully supports their domestic industry including semiconductor equipment Industry. The purpose of China government is to combine the supply chain of industry and make the industry more advanced. Therefore, in order to contend with the industry of China, the semiconductor equipment industry of Taiwan has to cooperate to build the strategic alliance. Only in this way, the industry of Taiwan can be more superior. Therefore, the case company-C of this study has been put effort to the field of process precision environmental monitoring and controlling in ten years. And if company-C could successfully combine the technology of higher-order process microenvironment pollution controlling and the customized services, it will have the chance to get the orders for critical equipment. As a result, company-C could enhance its market share and also let Taiwan semiconductor environmental monitoring equipment industry become influential in the world.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363043
Appears in Collections:Thesis