標題: | 噴墨型可撓式氧化鎢酸鹼計陣列應用於慢性傷口二維酸鹼值監測之設計與製造 Design and Fabrication of an Inkjet Printed Flexible Tungsten Oxide-Based pH Sensor Array for 2D pH Monitoring of Chronic Wound |
作者: | 潘嘉琪 鄭裕庭 Pan, Jia-Chyi 生醫工程研究所 |
關鍵字: | 可撓式酸鹼計;氧化鎢;噴墨式印表機;flexible pH sensor;WO3;inkjet printing |
公開日期: | 2016 |
摘要: | 本論文將奈米粒子銀墨水噴在聚酰亞氨薄膜上,並使用SU-8當作光阻作出連接線、參考電極、和工作電極之圖形。在製作感測器的過程中使用多倫試劑產生銀鏡反應,不僅可以減低噴墨銀電極之電阻,更可以使噴墨電極之微結構更為穩固。氧化鎢作為酸鹼值感測器之工作電極使用,選用噴墨方式製成,並經過120oC退火30分鐘以強化氧化鎢之結構強度。製作完成後,我們使用電化學工作站5600(Jiehan 5600 Electrochemical Workstation)量測酸鹼感測器之工作電極與參考電極之間的開路電位,並計算得每一單位酸鹼值改變-23.7毫伏特之感測器敏感度。 In this work, nanoparticle silver ink is printed on kapton, patterned by SU-8, as wire and reference electrode after chlorination. Pre-treated by Tollen’s reagent can not only reduce electrical resistivity of the printed Ag interconnects but also strengthen printed microstructures for sensor fabrication because of mirror reaction. Then, tungsten oxide is printed and sinter in 120oC as working electrode of a pH sensor. After fabrication, we connect the sensor to Jiehan 5600 Electrochemical Workstation to obtain the open circuit potential and the sensitivity of the pH sensor is -23.7 mV/pH. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356714 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/143218 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |