標題: 促銷活動對消費者購買專業運動鞋意願之影響-以台北市成年消費者為例
A Study of the Effect of Promotion on Consumer Purchasing Intention for Professional Sports Shoes -The Case of Adult Consumers in Taipei City
作者: 朱劭文
Chu, Shao-Wen
關鍵字: 專業運動鞋;促銷活動;消費者行為;購買意願;Professional Sports Shoes;Promotion;Consumer Behavior;Purchase intention
公開日期: 2016
摘要:   近年國人對於個人健康意識逐漸抬頭,投入各種運動人口比例逐漸上升。其中無論是何種運動皆有其專門使用之專業運動鞋,舉凡籃球鞋、慢跑鞋、田徑用釘鞋、棒球鞋……等等。由於國人對運動的投入成長飛速,使得專業運動鞋不再只專注於運動選手市場,大多數廠商紛紛投入大量心血在一般國民使用之專業運動鞋市場。本研究旨在探討,促銷活動對台北市成年消費者購買專業運動鞋意願之影響。   本研究利用哈佛修正模式的消費者決策過程為研究架構,並且將前往販賣專業運動鞋店家之台北市成年消費者為主要研究對象,並探討,人口統計變數對於資訊來源、購買動機、產品屬性、促銷活動及購買意願之關聯;以及促銷活動對於購買意願之關聯。其中有效問卷共484份,將問卷整理並透過,因素分析、信度效度分析、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、事後檢定及迴歸分析。   根據結果顯示,人口統計變數對於資訊來源、購買動機、產品屬性、促銷活動及購買意願皆有影響;促銷活動對於購買意願有影響。在促銷活動對於購買意願有影響之構面為,打折、折價券及會員卡現金回饋三個構面。在分析後提出行銷建議,供相關業者參考;未來研究之方向,供未來從事相關研究者參考。
  In recent years, the people in Taiwan raised their health awareness and spend time exercising. No matter what sports it is, there is still the shoes for that sports. For example, basketball shoes, jogging shoes, spiked shoes and baseball shoes… etc.. As a result, which make the professional shoes market not just for the athletes but for everyone who wants to exercise. Besides, the majority industry in professional sports shoes spend a lot for the market of people who are not athletes. The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of promotion on consumer purchasing intention for professional sports shoes.   The study uses Howard-CDM as the framework. And take Taipei grown-up people who go to the sports shoes store as the study objects. And investigate what relation between demographic variable and where news of sports shoes come from, buying motivation, product properties, promotions and purchase intention as well as the relation between promotions and purchase intention. In the study, we get four hundred and eighty four worked questionnaires. Furthermore, we sort out the questionnaires and do the fact analysis, reliability and validity analysis, chi-square test, one-way analysis of variance, post hoc and regression analysis.   According to the results, there are some effects in demographic variable and where news of sports shoes come from, buying motivation, product properties, promotions and purchase intention as well as the effects between promotions and purchase intention, all the effects are exist. In the analysis between promotions and purchase intention, there are discounts, coupon and membership card cashback. Above three facets have influence on purchase intention. After analysis is end, we propose some marketing advice for the industry of professional sports shoes. Also propose some direction for people who want to do related study.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353110
Appears in Collections:Thesis