標題: 了解影響持續使用社群網站意圖的因素:以情感為主的理論模式
Understanding the Continuance Intention of Social Networking Sites: An Affect-Based Model
作者: 尹法興
Yin, Fa-Shing
Lin, Chieh-Peng
關鍵字: 錯失恐懼症;正面心情理論;持續使用意圖;娛樂性;認知資訊隱私風險;Fear of Missing Out;Positive Mood Theory;Continuance Intention;Enjoyment;Perceived Information Privacy Concerns
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 過去社群網站吸引使用者離開電子佈告欄系統(Bulletin Board System)、即時通(MSN Messenger)、線上遊戲,風水輪流轉,如今社群網站面臨通訊應用程式LINE大量吸收自己的使用者,而使社群網站本身成長趨緩。本研究希望藉由探討:1.錯失恐懼症、情感影響社群網站使用者持續使用意圖。2.認知資訊隱私關注、認知實用性調節「錯失恐懼症、情感對社群網站使用者持續使用意圖的影響」,來幫助社群網站挽救流失的使用者。本研究共計蒐集629份台灣Facebook使用者問卷,以階層迴歸分析來檢定研究架構與假設。結果指出:1.錯失恐懼症、娛樂性會增加社群網站使用者持續使用意圖。2.負面情感會減少社群網站使用者持續使用意圖。3.認知資訊隱私關注會加強「錯失恐懼症對社群網站使用者持續使用意圖的影響」。4.認知實用性會加強「娛樂性對社群網站使用者持續使用意圖的影響」。本研究從情感觀點出發,引用正面心情理論,對學術界提供社群網站永續經營的理論基礎,同時提供實務應用的管理建議及說明研究本身的限制。
Social networking sites (SNSs, e.g., Facebook) attract people who left the Bulletin Board System, MSN Messenger, and online game. They face LINE (a new instant messaging application) which attracts their users bringing growth slowdowns to them. The purpose of this study has been two-fold. First, this study examines the influences of fear of missing out (FoMO) and affect on the continuance intention of SNSs. Second, this study confirms that perceived usefulness and perceived information privacy concerns have moderating effects on the relationship between FoMO and continuance intention and that between affect and continuance intention. The proposed model is examined using hierarchical regression analyses and it uses data from the survey of Taiwan Facebook users. The empirical results have been four-fold. First, FoMO and enjoyment are both positively related to continuance intention. Second, negative affect is negatively related to continuance intention. Third, perceived information privacy concerns positively moderates the relationship between FoMO and continuance intention. Forth, perceived usefulness positively moderates the relationship between enjoyment and continuance intention. From the viewpoint of affect, this study contributes to the literature by applying the positive mood theory to explore the determinants of users' continuance intention of using SNSs. We also provide managerial implications and research limitations.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079837807