標題: 高耗能運動下之人體自律神經調控機制之研究
Autonomic Nervous Activities during High-Intensity Exercise
作者: 黃嘉寶
Huang, Chia-Pao
Lin, Shien-Fong
關鍵字: 高耗能運動;運動;自律神經;autonomic nervous activities;High-Intensity Exercise;Exercise
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 運動對維持人體的健康狀況很重要,運動時交感神經活動而刺激心跳加速加快新陳代謝,運動過後副交感神經活動使心跳回復正常,而回復的速度又因每個人的身體狀況而不同,為了探討自律神經活動對於人體運動前後心跳的影響,本研究利用皮膚電極高頻探測器偵測人體的心電圖,觀察其心率變異分析(HRV)、心臟加速能力與減速能力 (AC & DC) 與皮膚高頻神經訊號與分析其效應。受測者部分,徵求30位自願受測者參與,分為一般組與運動員組,生理訊號之擷取為心電圖。先檢測受測者運動前的心電圖,之後請受測者作肌力訓練(內容包含: 側邊撐體轉身、撐體扶地向上、扶地膝碰胸碰肘),做完肌力訓練之後檢測受測者運動後的心電圖,確認受測者已得到足夠的休息後,再請受測者做爆發力運動(內容包含 : 短跑),做完爆發力運動擷取受測者運動後的心電圖。綜合本研究之實驗結果,運動會使人體交感神經活動,運動後副交感神經活動使人體回復正常,並且運動員疲勞回復速度比一般人快,且心臟加速與減速的能力與皮膚交感神經回復率比一般人高。這個研究首度綜合HRV與皮膚高頻神經訊號分析自律神經運動反應,其結果可以協助運動員了解自身的身體狀況,進一步鼓勵人們適當運動,以增進人類福祉。
Exercise is important to support human health. During exercise, sympathetic nervous system (SNS) stimulates the heart to increase heart rate and accelerate metabolism. When exercise is over, parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) stimulates the heart to decrease heart rate in order to recover to normal. However, heart rate recovering rate is different depending on individual physical conditions. For the purpose of investigating the relationship between autonomic nervous system and heart rate, this research makes use of skin electrodes and high frequency detector to detect electrocardiograph (ECG) and observe heart rate variability (HRV), acceleration & deceleration capacity (AC & DC) and skin sympathetic nerve activity (SSNA) to analyze the consequences. The physiological signals from 30 volunteer subjects, divided into athlete and non-athlete groups, were recorded and analyzed to study the autonomic nervous system responses to exercise. High-bandwidth ECG was acquired when subjects were in three conditions: the first condition was at rest; the second condition was when the subject finished the endurance exercise; and the third condition was when the subjects finished the explosive exercise. The results indicate that exercise activates autonomic nervous system and accelerates heart rate, then parasympathetic nervous system would function to cause heart rate return to normal. Additionally, the athlete group recover rate is higher than non-athlete group, and has increased magnitude of DC and AC and higher recovery rate of SSNA. This thesis can encourage people to exercise and can know their health status.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356710