標題: 影響網購消費者忠誠度的因素 ─以台灣網購消費性電子產品(3C產品)之消費者為例
The Influential Factors of E-Loyalty –An Empirical Study of Customers of Consumer Electronics in Taiwan
作者: 劉懿萱
Liu, Yi-Hsuan
Lim, Sirirat Sae
關鍵字: 電子商務;網購詐騙;網購滿意度;網購信任度;網購忠誠度;E-commerce;Online auction fraud;E-satisfaction;E-trust;E-loyalty
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 近年來全球電子商務蓬勃發展,美國市調機構eMarket指出亞太地區在2015年將首次超越北美,成為全球最大的電商市場。台灣電子商務發展多年,且近年網路普及率及智慧型手機使用率屢創新高,但網購詐騙案件卻也層出不窮。根據美國FBI統計,網購詐騙是最常見的網路詐騙手法之一,有高達近七成五的民眾對於網購的隱私與安全感到不信任,因而降低其使用網購的購買意願,尤其是購買高價位的商品。台灣內政部警政署統計也指出,消費性電子產品為最常見的網購詐騙商品。而許多研究指出建立網購消費者的忠誠度不但能提高消費者的購買意願,也能讓業者創造更多的利潤。網購忠誠度的相關研究多為針對不同文化的差異性探討,缺乏針對產品類型的影響因素探討。因此本研究旨為探討如何建立消費性電子產品消費者對於網購平台的忠誠度,尋求可能影響網購忠誠的構面,作為消費性電子產品業者規劃電子商務平台的參考。 本研究採問卷調查的實證研究方法,以探討消費性電子產品的消費者對於網購忠誠度、信任度與忠誠度為題,針對使用過網購平台購買消費性電子產品的使用者發放問卷,共計回收401份有效問卷。採用SPSS統計軟體做結構方程模型及多元迴歸分析,得出結論如下:(1)隱私及安全與客戶服務為建立消費者網購信任度及網購忠誠度的主要因素。(2) 履行性與可靠性是建立消費者網購滿意度與網購信任度的主要因素,但對建立網購忠誠度的無顯著影響。(3) 消費者對於網購信任度對於網購忠誠的有高度正向關係。(4)網購信任度具有中介效果
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) rapidly grows and globally spreads in recent years. However, online frauds are frequently reported as a major internet crime, and have negative impacts on customer’s purchasing intention; particularly the intention of buying higher priced products. Consumer electronics are the main trading items in online fraudulent events. Numerous studies indicate that establishing customer’s satisfaction, trust and loyalty could effectively grow long-term profit of the company. Nevertheless, empirical studies about these key constructs of behavioral intention of consumer electronics are limited. Thus, this study aims at investigating the relationships among satisfaction, trust, loyalty of online consumers and service quality of online retailers. A conceptual framework and related hypotheses are built based on the results of literature review. A survey is conducted with the data collected from 401 online customers of consumer electronics in Taiwan. Hypotheses are tested by multiple regression analysis and the Structured Equation Model (SEM) method using SPSS software. The results of this study shows that: (a) privacy/security and customer service are the key factors for establishing trust, and loyalty of online customers; (b) fulfillment/reliability is the key factor for establishing online customer’s satisfaction and trust, while it has weak relationship with online customer’s loyalty; (c) online customer’s trust positively affect online customer’s loyalty; (d) online customer’s trust are partial mediators among privacy/security, customer service and online customer’s loyalty.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353012
Appears in Collections:Thesis