Title: 建立行動化之企業應用平台-以電子通訊製造公司為例
Buildup a mobility enterprise application platform – A case study of communication product manufacturer
Authors: 王柏鈞
Wang, Po-Chun
Li, Yung-Ming
Keywords: 行動化;行動裝置;行動簽核;企業應用;Mobility;Smart device;Mobile workflow;Enterprise application
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 現代企業面臨的最大的挑戰就是時間,隨著組織成長與環境變化,往往需要透過流程改造以加速企業運作,流程改造是一項大工程,不但影響層面廣,投入成本大。建立行動化之企業應用是一個將企業內部既有之應用程式轉換成行動裝置可以執行的方法,透過行動化,可以不修改企業現有的流程,加速流程進行。對企業員工來說,行動化企業應用是一種全新的應用模式,改變了員工對現有的使用習慣。透過由上而下的導入方式,確保過程順暢。此應用能夠解決傳統企業應用無法隨時隨地使用的限制,並且為企業帶來更多的效益。 本研究透過電子通訊製造業個案公司實際導入企業應用行動化平台解決方案,在實際參與導入的過程做為研究的基礎。歸納出其效益包括:幫助企業提高生產力、客戶滿意度與市場競爭力,服務導向架構建構企業行動平台,由上而下的導入程序確保方向正確。因此企業應用行動化的確為員工作業面與管理面帶來正面的效益,行動化確實可為企業帶來更有效率的商業流程。
With the firm getting bigger, global economic environmental change and the biggest challenge of the firm is the time. Business process reengineering accelerates the process, but it is a big project. It affects a lot of employees and also costs a lot. Building up a mobility enterprise application is a workable procedure, which transfers existing internal applications into applications that can run on smart devices. By mobility enterprise applications, we can accelerate business processes without changing current business processes. For employees, mobility enterprise applications is a new application pattern. It changes the way of using information technology and smart device that employees is used to. This solution certainly solves the limitation of time and location, and has more benefits, compared with the tradition way This case study is to implement mobility business applications platform solution for an electronic communications manufacturing company. The brief suggestions include helping firms to improve productivity, customer satisfaction, and market competitiveness. Utilizing service-oriented architecture platform to construct the platform to ensure the implementation in a right direction by top-down implement procedures. Therefore, mobility enterprise application does bring positive benefits for management and operations of the enterprise can really bring more efficiency in business processes.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363414
Appears in Collections:Thesis