Title: 在秘魯阿雷基帕市開設道地台灣茶舖
Business Plan: Authentic Taiwan Tea Shop in Arequipa City, Peru
Authors: 林蓓藟
Maza, Vherenyz Yamani
Kang, Jin-Su
Keywords: 商業計劃;Business Plan;Taiwan tea shop
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究目的在於建立一份關於Te(西班牙文”茶”) 101的商業企劃書。本企劃預計於秘魯的阿雷基帕市開市以茶為基礎的飲料店。Te 101將著重於阿雷基帕市的青年、部分中產階級為主要目標市場,並提供這些客群道地的台灣茶葉和天然的祕魯水果。
Te 101預計於2017年開設第一家飲料店,將設置店面於阿雷基帕市最熱鬧的街區。預期利用促銷手法、公開活動宣傳以及社群媒體的力量,成功地吸引超過0.33%以上在Mercaderes街上的行人購買本店之飲料商品。
初期投資需USD $23,600由四位投資者貢獻本金,並預期第一年結尾即可回本。而第二年度,Te 101將取得超過USD $23,600以上的淨利。藉此基礎,開設分店達成加盟企業之最終目標。
The purpose of this study is to develop a business plan for Te 101, by running a tea-based beverages shop in Arequipa, Peru. Te 101 will focus on Arequipa’s youth, part of the middle class, as its target market and will provide them authentic Taiwanese tea made from Taiwan’s tea leaves and Peru’s fruits.
Te 101 expects to open its first tea shop in 2017, at a crowded street in Arequipa. It also expects to penetrate 0.33% of the number of Mercaderes street pedestrians by using strategies such as free samples, participating in Arequipa’s major public events, and using social media tactics.
The initial investment required is USD $23,600 in the form of cash contributions from four investors. It is estimated the investment will be recovered during the first year, and from the second year on, Te 101 will obtain profits equivalent to 100% of the initial investment.
Keyword: Business Plan
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353034
Appears in Collections:Thesis