標題: The interplay between different forms of CAI and students' preferences of learning environment in the secondary science class
作者: Chang, CY
Tsai, CC
Institute of Education
Center of Teacher Education
公開日期: 1-九月-2005
摘要: This evaluation study investigated the effects of a teacher-centered versus student-centered computer-assisted instruction (CAI) on 10th graders' earth science student learning outcomes. This study also explored whether the effects of different forms of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) on student learning outcomes were influenced by student preferences of learning environment (PLE). A total of 347 10th-grade senior high school students participated in this nonequivalent control group quasiexperiment. During a one-week period, one group of students (n = 216) were taught by a teacher-centered CAI (TCCAI) model whereas the other group of students (n = 131) were subject to a student-centered CAI (SCCAI) method. Results showed that (a) no statistically significant difference on students' earth science achievement was found for either group; (b) TCCAI, group had significantly better attitudes toward earth science than did the SCCAI group; furthermore (c) a significant PLE-treatment interaction was found on student attitudes toward the subject matter, where the teacher-centered instructional approach seemed to enhance more positive attitudes of less constructivist-oriented learning preferences students, whereas the student-centered method was more beneficial to more constructivist-oriented learning preferences students on their attitudes toward earth science in a computer-assisted learning environment. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/sce.20072
ISSN: 0036-8326
DOI: 10.1002/sce.20072
Volume: 89
Issue: 5
起始頁: 707
結束頁: 724


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