Title: Leak Stopper: An Actively Revitalized Snoop Filter Architecture with Effective Generation Control
Authors: Peng, Yin-Chi
Chen, Chien-Chih
Tsai, Hsiang-Jen
Yang, Keng-Hao
Huang, Pei-Zhe
Chang, Shih-Chieh
Jone, Wen-Ben
Chen, Tien-Fu
Department of Computer Science
Keywords: Cache storage;memory architecture;filters;computer architecture
Issue Date: 1-May-2017
Abstract: To alleviate high energy dissipation of unnecessary snooping accesses, snoop filters have been designed to reduce snoop lookups. These filters have the problem of decreasing filtering efficiency, and thus usually rely on partial or whole filter reset by detecting block evictions. Unfortunately, the reset conditions occur infrequently or unevenly (called passive filter deletion). This work proposes the concept of revitalized snoop filter (RSF) design, which can actively renew the destination filter by employing a generation wrapping-around scheme for various reference behaviors. We further utilize a sampling mechanism for RSF to timely trigger precise filter revitalizations, so that unnecessary RSF flushing can be minimized. The proposed RSF can be integrated to various existent inclusive snoop filters with only a minor change to their designs. We evaluate our proposed design and demonstrate that RSF eliminates 58.6% of snoop energy compared to JETTY on average while inducing only 6.5% of revitalization energy overhead. In addition, RSF eliminates 45.5% of snoop energy compared to stream registers on average and only induces 2.5% of revitalization energy overhead. Overall, these RSFs reduce the total L2 cache energy consumption by 52.1% (58.6% - 6.5%) as compared to JETTY and by 43% (45.5% - 2.5%) as compared to stream registers. Furthermore, RSF improves the overall performance by 1% to 1.4% on average compared to JETTY and stream registers for various benchmark suites.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3015770
ISSN: 1084-4309
DOI: 10.1145/3015770
Volume: 22
Appears in Collections:Articles