Title: 以證明標章及團體商標保護 地理標示之研究
Protection of Geographical Indications by Certification Marks and Collective Marks: Challenges and Perspectives
Authors: 許曉芬
Hsiao-Fen Hsu
Keywords: 地理標示;原產地名稱;產地證明標章;產地團體商標;Geographical Indication;Appellations of Origin;Geographical Certification Trademark;Geographical Collective Trademark
Issue Date: 15-Dec-2016
Publisher: 交通大學科技法律學院(原名稱:交通大學科技法律研究所)
School of Law
Abstract: 地理標示是一逐漸演進、概念多元且國際上保護機制仍有相當爭議之智慧財產權類型。現今對於地理標示之保護模式,大致可區分為以下兩者:首先是以傳統商標制度,特別是證明標章或團體商標來保護具有強烈辨識地理區域需求地理標示,其次則是透過單獨立法之方式,賦予基於獨特地理環境而生之商品特殊保護。不論透過何者,通常會另輔以競爭法、消費者保護法、民法或其他行政規範,保護消費者不受虛假或引人錯誤標示訊息所混淆,或避免不當競爭。我國對於地理標示主要係透過傳統商標制度,特別是產地證明標章及產地團體商標,另外再輔以公平交易法或其他行政規定保護。然而,我國不論是規範、實務解釋或是實際運用上,皆有許多值得重新檢討。此外,主管機關似乎缺乏將規範與實務運作相互對照,亦未對已制定規範進行檢討評估。是故,本研究以我國法為中心,檢討在不同地理標示保護模式下,如何解決可能產生的衝突,並求相互利益之最佳平衡。換言之,地理標示的保護方式不應是擇一而互斥,基於其集體特性使然,地理標示必然帶有一定之群體性與公眾性。因此,當智慧財產權獨占本質與地理標示的群體性相衝突時,必須透過釐清與檢視不同規範的本質與功能,始能緩慢梳理出這一介於單獨立法(sui generis)、商標法間難解議題的脈絡。
This study attempts to explore the relation between geographical indications (GIs), trademark law and competition law in the context of Asian legal framework. The ever expanding global marketplace and increasing sophistication of consumers have led to a heightened need to protect indications geographic from misappropriation and abuses. Two main types of protections are provided nowadays: one is using traditional trademark law; the other is sui generis GI law which refers to the protection of GIs through specific systems separated from trademark law. No matter which types is chosen, the protection usually applies as well as the competition law, the Consumers Protection Act, the Civil law or the related administrative regulations. In Taiwan, the protection of the GIs is by trademark law, which had been amended by adding the “Geographical Certification Mark” and the “Geographical Collective Trademark” and applied with the competition law and other related administrative regulations. However, the current GI protection is not sufficient and effective in its legal framework as well as in the practice. Therefore, this study aims to examine and analyze the protection of GIs in Europe and Taiwan. It then evaluates the most appropriate way to protect GIs.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/181130952016121302001
DOI: 10.3966/181130952016121302001
Journal: 交大法學評論(原名稱:科技法學評論)
NCTU Law Review
Volume: 13
Issue: 2
Begin Page: 1
End Page: 46
Appears in Collections:Technology Law Review

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