標題: 資料經濟趨勢下美國對於資料仲介業規制之研究
A Study on the Regulation of Data Brokers in the U.S. under the Trend of Data Economics
作者: 許慧瑩
Huei-Ying Hsu
Chih-Liang Yeh
關鍵字: 大數據;資料仲介業;資訊隱私;個人資料保護法;個資外洩;Big Data, Data Broker, Information Privacy, Personal Information Protection Act, Breach of Personal Data
公開日期: 15-十二月-2016
出版社: 交通大學科技法律學院(原名稱:交通大學科技法律研究所)
School of Law
摘要: 在資料驅動社會脈動的今日,資料透過大量線上與離線活動,不斷地生成、傳遞與利用,儼然與物質和能源並列為關鍵的經濟資源,資料經濟已成為眾人討論的熱點;然而,資料與其他經濟資源最大的差異點,在於資料並不會因為使用而消耗,而是透過不斷地重組與再利用,使得資料的價值越經使用價值越高。由於資料具備此等特性,使得在資料驅動式社會生態環境中掌握大量資料(訊)或資料(訊)來源者,相對地占有較為優勢的地位。資料仲介業(data broker)因掌握大量從政府公共檔案、經銷商以及消費者日常生活等所取得的原始資料,與透過資料通路所進行之資料蒐集、儲存、分析、分享等,其所提供的資料產品與服務帶動整個資訊經濟的發展。特別在大數據統計分析應用技術發展下,將資料廣泛應用至各個領域,使原先的資料仲介業產生蛻變。然而,當資料仲介業者為找尋資料與資料間的關連性所為之剖繪(profiling),也因為資料的連結,對於個人資料與隱私保護造成相當大的衝擊。大數據趨勢下資料的應用,如何在各方利害關係者間取得平衡,甚或考量對資料仲介業進行規制,具有深入研究的價值。本文透過檢視近期美國資料仲介業的個資外洩事件、聯邦貿易委員會提出之隱私綱領、美國政府責任辦公室對資料仲介業規制之檢視報告、美國國會近期提出之立法草案,以及業者自發性的自律機制,逐步探求美國對於資料仲介業的規制模式,進一步反思我國法制上如何因應資料服務業的發展,以及如何於大數據應用中對於個人資料與隱私保護議題所產生之困境,提出初步的導引方向。
Nowadays the development of analytics and applications of big data is booming. The data that are being generated, transferred and utilized via many online/offline activities have become the critical economic resource as the same as the substances and energy resources. “Data Economics” has become the most important issue that everyone discusses. However, the difference between data and other economic resources is that the data are not exhaustive and can be reassembled and reused. The more the data are used, the more value the data become. Thus, the one who controls more data or more sources of data has the more dominant position than others. Data Brokers are mainly engaged in reselling the products or services of data. They control a large amount of original data and the channels of data, including the public records, data generated from the dealers or consumers in the daily life. The data products and services that brought by data brokers can promote the development of the entire information economy. By the emerging analytics of big data, the original data industry has reformed. However, the data brokers’acts on the profiling among different data may become a great concern on the personal data and privacy protection. Thus, the questions of how to make a balance among various stakeholders and how to regulate the data broker industry are crucial subjects for an in-depth study. This paper examines recent cases of breaches of personal data by the data brokers in the U.S., the reports prepared by the Federal Trade Commission and the Government Accountability Office, proposed legislation by Congress, and the self-regulation by the data brokers. By analyzing the modes of regulating the data industry in the U.S., this paper argues that Taiwan’s legal framework should be adjusted to the development of data industry and considered how to get out of the difficult position of current data protection laws.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/181130952016121302003
DOI: 10.3966/181130952016121302003
期刊: 交大法學評論(原名稱:科技法學評論)
NCTU Law Review
Volume: 13
Issue: 2
起始頁: 95
結束頁: 147


  1. 107-130203.pdf

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