標題: 作业研究历久弥新的回顾
A Review and Future Direction of Operations Research
作者: 张秉宸
Ping-Chen Chang
Cheng-Fu Huang
Jei-Zheng Wu
I-Hsuan Hong
Yi-Kuei Lin
關鍵字: 决策问题;赛局理论;智慧制造;轨道交通;多准则;Decision Making;Game Theory;Smart Manufacturing;Railway Transportation;Multiple Criteria
公開日期: 1-七月-2018
出版社: 国立交通大学
National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 作业研究(operations research)为实务上进行决策问题分析的重要基础方法,在工业工程(industrial engineering)领域中(尤其是制造领域)发展与应用极深,而近年来除工业工程领域外,更有扩大应用的趋势,如交通工程、公共政策、医疗管理等领域,皆视作业研究方法为解决相关决策问题重要技术之一;此外由于大数据时代的来临,且随着电脑的发展与运算能力的快速提升,使得作业研究方法成为现今解决各领域中所面对的实务问题中不可或缺的必要工具。作业研究的领域乃是透过计量或系统方法以分析实务领域所面对的决策问题,因此,针对指定“系统”透过作业研究方法作出“决策”是本文章针对作业研究过去与未来的主轴,本文将首先针对分权式系统及其基础方法-赛局理论等过去相关研究进行回顾;接着探讨制造议题与作业研究之关联,并延伸至近年来相当关注之议题-“智慧制造”;以及探究现今政府相当重视的前瞻建设中的交通部分,作业研究方法与理论对于“轨道建设”的事前评估与事后管理可提供相关的决策依据;最后介绍多准则决策方法的回顾与发展历程。根据前述说明作业研究方法的发展与应用外,最终目的还是必须回到作“决策”的考量依据;简而言之,目前作业研究方法在各领域的发展与应用皆有良好的成效,而本文除说明作业研究在各领域实际成功的应用或方法发展外,并针对近年科技与国家政策等外部环境发展给予未来研究建议,可提供包含数学、统计与机率、工程、行为科学、心理学与社会学等各领域专家,根据其专长与智慧分别以不同角度以作业研究方法检视并解决所面对的问题,让作业研究学科的发展及应用更为完整。
Operations research is a useful tool to deal with decision-making problems in industrial engineering. Nowadays, in addition to industrial engineering, operations research is widely applied in the fields of transportation, public policy, and medical science when solving decision-making problems. With the growing of big data and computer sciences, to model and solve practical problems with decision making plays a critical role in operations research. In usual, a decision-making problem is quantified and systemized by mathematical models. From the perspective of systematical model, this paper reviews the development of operations research and further discusses the possible issues to be studied in the future. First, a decentralized system with game theory is reviewed. Second, possible tools in operations research are introduced for smart manufacturing and railway transportation systems. Third, multiple criteria decision-making problem is discussed. In sum, theoretical and practical topics related to decision-making problem are comprehensively studied in this paper. Furthermore, potential issues to be studied in the futures are summarized for scholars in the expertise of operations research.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/152518
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理与系统
Journal of Management and System
Volume: 25
Issue: 3
起始頁: 259
結束頁: 289