標題: 以選擇式聯合分析法探討台灣行動支付平台策略分析之研究
Platform Strategy Analysis for Taiwanese Mobile Payment Market Using Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis
作者: 王瑞德; 林于珊
Juite Wang
Yu-Shan Lin
關鍵字: 行動支付;平台策略;雙邊市場;聯合分析法;Mobile Payment;Platform Strategy;Two-Sided Market;Conjoint Analysis
公開日期: 1-七月-2019
出版社: 國立交通大學經營管理研究所
Institute of Business and Magement, National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 台灣行動支付市場競爭日趨激烈,發展成功的產品策略以提升競爭優勢已成為台灣廠商重要的經營課題。行動支付是具有雙邊市場特性的產業,支付平台任一邊使用者價值取決另一邊的使用人數,因此瞭解兩端使用者對行動支付的需求偏好就顯得相當重要。本研究以層級貝氏-選擇式聯合分析法探討行動支付平台兩端的消費者與商家如何在不同的行動支付方案間取捨而作出採用決策,以找出消費者與商家的行動支付屬性偏好,接著再運用集群分析與判別分析了解消費者與商家的市場區隔並檢視不同市場區隔的特性,讓台灣廠商可以針對其目標族群以平台觀點擬定差異化產品策略。本研究以某台灣廠商為例,並且建議個案廠商定位為簡易、方便的行動支付品牌,針對小額支付市場以學生及小型餐飲攤販族群作為目標族群,提供適當的行動支付服務,如對學生族群提供行動裝置相容性、綁定電子票證與金融卡、密碼或指紋辨識、額外加值服務與現金優惠等,對小型餐飲攤販族群提供條碼支付、精簡支付流程、滿額密碼認證、補貼等,以期能增加行動支付使用人數達到臨界量,啟動跨邊網絡效應加速台灣行動支付業者市占率的成長。
The competition of Taiwan m-payment market is becoming increasingly fierce. Developing winning product strategies to enhance competitive advantages has become a great challenge for Taiwanese firms. M-payment can be considered as a two-sided market, where the user value on either side of the m-payment platform depends on the number of users on the other side. It is important to understand the preferences of users on both sides. This study applies hierarchical Bayes choice-based conjoint analysis to understand how consumers and merchants make trade-offs adoption decisions among various m-payment platforms and determine their preferences. Cluster analysis and discriminate analysis are then applied to understand market segments of consumers and merchants and examine major characteristics of individual segments. A major Taiwanese firm is used as a case company to formulate a differentiated product strategy based on the platform theory. We suggest that the case company can position themselves as a simple and convenient m-payment brand and target on students and small food-and-beverage vendors. The company can offer mobile device compatibility, binding e-payment or debit cards, password or fingerprint identification, and cash discounts for students; and barcode payments, streamlined payment process, password authentication, and subsidies for small food-and-beverage vendors. The developed strategies is expected to increase user installed bases to reach the critical mass on both sides, enhancing the cross-side network effect that accelerates the growing market shares of Taiwanese m-payment firms.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29416/JMS.201907_26(3).0002
ISSN: 1023-9863
DOI: 10.29416/JMS.201907_26(3).0002
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 26
Issue: 3
起始頁: 293
結束頁: 319