Title: Monolithic 3D BEOL FinFET switch arrays using location-controlled-grain technique in voltage regulator with better FOM than 2D regulators
Authors: Hsieh, Ping-Yi
Chang, Yi-Jui
Chen, Pin-Jun
Chen, Chun-Liang
Yang, Chih-Chao
Huang, Po-Tsang
Chen, Yi-Jing
Shen, Chih-Ming
Liu, Yu-Wei
Huang, Chien-Chi
Tai, Ming-Chi
Lo, Wei-Chung
Shen, Chang-Hong
Shieh, Jia-Min
Chang, Da-Chiang
Chen, Kuan-Neng
Yeh, Wen-Kuan
Hu, Chenming
National Chiao Tung University
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2019
Abstract: Monolithic 3D back-end of line (BEOL) FinFET switch arrays are demonstrated in large single crystalline Si islands (2.56 mu m(2)), whose location, size and shape are determined by design. Details of the improved location-controlled-grain (LCG) technique are presented. A voltage regulator implemented with the BEOL switch arrays using external control signals shows better theoretical figure of merit (FOM) of 0.089ns than 2D voltage regulators of 0.43ns.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/155245
ISBN: 978-1-7281-4031-5
ISSN: 2380-9248
Begin Page: 0
End Page: 0
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper