Title: 上海大師盃網球賽舉辦效益之探討
A Study on the Effects and Benefits of the Shanghai Masters Tennis Tournament
Authors: 李仁佐
Jen-Tso Lee
Yi-Hsin chan
Keywords: 上海大師盃網球賽;贊助商;賽事舉辦效益;Shanghai Masters Tennis Tournament;sponsorship;the effects of hosting sports events
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2011
Publisher: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education
National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 網球是曝光度極高的全球性運動,每年舉辦的職業巡迴賽事更吸引上億的觀眾關注,上海大師盃網球賽屬於ATP(Association of Tennis Professionals)巡迴賽中等級最高的ATP1000級別,亞洲城市唯上海入選。2010年賽會吸引了超過11萬名觀眾入場觀看比賽,票務收入約300萬美元,而勞力士(Rolex)等頂級贊助商的資助更是賽會盈利的關鍵。賽會已連續兩年獲選為「年度最佳ATP1000大師賽」,並獲得大師系列賽永久舉辦權。本文之目的乃藉由探討上海大師賽舉辦的現況及贊助商的策略,提出舉辦賽會所獲得之效益。作者經相關文獻探討後綜整出三項效益:一、提升城市形象;二、帶動正面經濟效應;三、培養運動賽會經營專業人才。最後,冀望本文所提之觀點,能提供運動贊助廠商參考並對國內舉辦職業賽事有所助益。
Tennis is a high-exposure, global sports, and the professional tennis tours always draw attention from over 100 million of audiences worldwide. Shanghai Masters is part of ATP World Tour Masters 1000 of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) World Tour-one of the most prestigious tournaments. Shanghai is the only Asian city that has been selected to host the events. The 2010 tournament attracted over 110 thousand audiences watching the games with the ticket income of around 3 million dollars. More importantly, the top-end sponsorship from Rolex is the key factor that makes the events profit-making. Shanghai Masters has been voted as ”ATP Masters 1000 Tournament of the Year” for two consecutive years and has gained the eternal ownership of hosting the ATP Masters Series. By researching on the current situation of Shanghai Masters and the strategies of the sponsor, this essay aims to indicate the potential benefits that hosting sports games will make. The three benefits we submit after the bibliographical survey are as follows: One, to help make the best impression of the host city; two, to bring out positive economic effects; three, to cultivate the professionals capable of running the sports events. Lastly, we hope the perspectives that this essay presents are able to provide the sports-sponsoring enterprises with some constructive reference, and are also helpful to those hosting domestic sports events.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE.201112.0069
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE.201112.0069
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 2
Begin Page: 67
End Page: 76
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education