Title: 熱身與高爾夫球運動
Warming-up and Golf
Authors: 賴永成
Yung-Cheng Lai
Chuan-Chuan Huang
Keywords: 熱身程序;運動表現;運動傷害;warm-up procedure;sport performance;sports injuries
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2011
Publisher: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 運動前的熱身運動能提昇運動表現是被大家所接受的觀念。熱身運動在生理上的效益是促使體溫上升、增加運送氧到肌肉的速度、神經傳導的速度、提升代謝能力、減少肌肉和關節的黏滯性以及增加動作的協調性,熱身運動除了能提昇運動表現外,也可降低運動傷害的發生。近年來隨著高爾夫球運動風氣的盛行,在享受打高爾夫球樂趣的同時,運動傷害也常伴隨而來。有研究指出大部份的業餘球友在擊球前的熱身運動普遍不足,造成擊球效果不佳,不但無法享受到打球的樂趣,更有可能因此受傷。因此本文的目的是提供廣大的高爾夫球運動參與者在擊球前建立適當熱身運動觀念,藉此提昇運動表現及降低運動傷害的發生。
It is generally accepted that warming-up exercises can boost the performance of sports. The benefits of warming-up exercises are as follows: raising body temperature, increasing oxygen delivery to muscles, increasing nerve conduction rate, speeding metabolic reactions, decreasing resistance of muscles and joints, and enhancing movement coordination. In addition to boost sport performance, warming-up exercises can also reduce sports injuries. In recent years, golf has been a popular sport, and many people get hurt when they are immersed in it. According to some research, insufficient warming-up exercises has caused most amateurs not performing well. Consequently they can not enjoy the pleasure of playing golf; furthermore, they may easily get hurt. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to provide golf players correct concepts about pre-exercises, and further, to promote their performance and lower sports injuries.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE.201112.0119
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE.201112.0119
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 2
Begin Page: 117
End Page: 126
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education