標題: 我國青少棒棒球選手之運動傷害-以2011年IBAF世界青少棒錦標賽為例
The Sport Injuries for Young Baseball Players in Taiwan-A Sample of the 2011 IBAF 16U Baseball World Championship
作者: 張維綱
Wei-Gang Chang
Shan-Ying Huang
Kuo-Shang Chuang
關鍵字: 傷害防護員;運動傷害;肩部;肘部;athletic trainer;sport injury;shoulder;elbow
公開日期: 1-六月-2013
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本研究目的為調查2011年世界青少棒錦標賽之中華隊選手受傷情況與隨隊傷害防護員治療情況。方法為分析18位台灣選手於傷害處理後的紀錄,206筆處理及紀錄皆由1位隨隊傷害防護員執行,並以描述性統計進行分析。結果發現包括21次新傷(傷害發生率:0.029次/運動小時/人)及142次舊傷,另有34次則是處理非運動所造成之傷害(如腹瀉等),肩部的傷害處理次數最高(36.3%),其次為肘部(21.6%);最常接受防護員處理的原因為賽後保養(25.4%);最常使用的傷害處理方式為運動按摩(27.2%)、冰敷(19.2%)與機能貼布貼紮(15.9%)。結論為青少棒選手參與國際性比賽期間容易遭受肩部與肘部的舊傷所苦,傷害防護員應對這類肩肘傷害處理的方式更加注重且熟練。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the injury and treatments conditions by an athletic trainer (AT) in the 2011 IBAF 16U Baseball World Championship. Methods: Data were collected from 18 baseball players after treatment. 206 treatments and records were carried out by an AT. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze these data. Results showed there are 21 new and 142 old injury cases in this game. However, 34 injuries (diarrhea etc.) were not caused by sports or trainings. In youth baseball players, the common positions of treatment were shoulders (36.3%) and elbows (21.6%). The usually reasons of treatment were injury prevention and healing. Sport massage (25.4%), ice (19.2%) and Kinesio typing (15.9%) were familiar in youth players. Young baseball players are often suffered from shoulder and elbow injuries in international competition. The AT should consider and practice those treatments in shoulder and elbow injuries.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 5
起始頁: 1
結束頁: 12