標題: 臺灣優秀拔河選手訓練歷程之研究
The Investigation of Tug of War of the Outstanding Players Training Process in Taiwan
作者: 蔡文智
Wen-Chih Tsai
Chung-Ming Lu
Chia-Che Liu
Yi-Hsin Chan
關鍵字: 拔河;訓練歷程;運動訓練;tug of war;training process;sport training
公開日期: 1-六月-2011
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本研究以質性的研究法,以國立南投高中代表臺灣參加2010年南非世界盃室外拔河錦標賽共八位選手為研究對象。本研究期望能幫助國內拔河選手在技術上更精進,及教練在運動訓練上的實際運用,並能在國際賽中繼續創造佳績,以提昇選手之競技能力。經深度訪談結果如下:一、選手開始投入訓練背景及訓練歷程:從研究可得知有四位選手是由自己興趣而產生動機,有二位是由教師或教練發掘出,兩位是受同儕間影響而產生動機。二、選手的競賽心理準備情況:大多選手只重視技術、體能、戰術上的運用,教練也比較少著重在心理上的訓練,大部分選手都是在訓練或是比賽中自我調適。三、選手的價值觀:多數選手是為了爭取成績、超越自我;一位是秉著個人榮譽和個人名聲與為學校爭光為目標的設定。四、選手與教練之互動關係:教練影響選手的層面在課業上的指導與重視,及選手品格、為人處事。有三位選手選擇民主行為,而二位選手選擇社會行為,有三位選手則希望是被獎賞行為所領導。五、選手訓練歷程所面臨之問題以及解決的方法:有六位選手是運動技術層面上的問題,一位是運動傷害上的困擾,另一位是心理上的壓力挫折。而受訪者解決的方式是自我調適及請教教練或學長來解決遭遇的問題。
The purpose of this research was used for qualitative study. The eight players who study at National Nantou Senior High School represented Taiwan to participate 2010 TWIF World Outdoor Tug of War Championships in Pretoria, South Africa. They were selected to be research objects. The study expected to help the players of Tug of War to be accurate in technical approaches and the coach can utilize this information in athletic practice. They can continue to create good scores in international games. Athletics ability promotes better players. After extensive interviews the results are as follows: 1. The players started to input training and progress. The study informed the four players to cause interest motivation by themselves. Two players were excavated by the teachers or the coaches. The other two caused motivation by effecting the same generation. 2. The players mentality prepared them for competition. Most players only pay attention to technical athletic ability, and tactics utilized. The coach also didn't emphasize mentality practice. Most players modulate themselves during trainings or contests. 3. The concept value of players. Most players want to strive for good scores and transcend oneself. They established goals for the individual, a good reputation, and win glory for the school. 4. The cooperative relationships between the coaches and the players. The coaches affect the players in many ways such as schoolwork supervision, the players character behavior and how to handle affairs. There were three players chosen for democratic behavior. The other two players chose social behavior. Another three players wanted rewards. 5. The players were confronted with problems and solving methods during training progress. There were six players that were faced with athletic technical problems. One was perplexing athletic injures. Another was mentality pressure frustration. The solving method was to modulate oneself, consult the coaches or the parents to solve the encounter problems.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE.201106.0001
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE.201106.0001
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 1
起始頁: 1
結束頁: 14