標題: 探討台灣風浪板運動之發展及訓練策略
Explore the Development and Training Strategies of Windsurfing in Taiwan
作者: 賴正全
Cheng-Chyuan Lai
Yi-Hsin Chan
Ai-Chun Huang
關鍵字: 運動訓練;水域運動;water sports;exercise training
公開日期: 1-六月-2014
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 臺灣擁有四面環海的地理位置,其綿延的海岸線,造就出水域休閒運動發展,是從事海域遊憩最佳的場地。風浪板是結合帆船與衝浪活動中於近年來廣受歡迎和極具發展潛力之全國性與亞、奧運比賽項目之水域運動;也因此對選手的訓練也日益受到重視。故本文旨在透過文獻分析及筆者本身從事相關活動與帶隊訓練經驗探討台灣風浪板運動之起源、發展現況及運動訓練之因應策略。經歸納分析後,建議未來台灣發展風浪板及訓練因應策略如下:一、結合地理環境與地方特色,提供安全風浪板之場域,以帶動學習風氣;二、結合活動體驗,吸引更多不同族群喜愛海洋運動;三、結合國內海洋觀光資源辦理風浪板大型賽會及研討會,輔導教練、選手建立及整合訓練及技術精進之交流的管道,以協助選手於國際賽事上締造佳績。
Taiwan is the place covered by sea. Its long coastline brings up the development of water-based leisure sport, which makes Taiwan the best place to develop coastline sport. Windsurfing is a combination of sailing and surfing activities which has become more popular in these recent years. Since windsurfing has become one of sports competed in multinational competition, Asian region competition and Olympic Games projects, the attention on training of the athletes is increasing. Therefore, this article explore origin, current development and training strategies of windsurfing in Taiwan by literature study from the author who also engaged in the sport coaching. From the analysis, the recommendation on windsurfing development and training strategies are: (1) Combine the geographical environment and local characteristics which promote atmosphere learning in order to provide safe windsurfing area; (2) Combine activities experience to attract more groups of coastline sport lover; (3) Combine local marine tourism resources to held windsurfing seminar and competition, train coach and athletes, integrate communication in training and technology development in order to assist athletes in international competitions.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 7
起始頁: 49
結束頁: 56