標題: 高雄世運會之賽會衝擊之研究
Resident Perceptions of Mega-Sporting Events: Host City Resident Perspective of the World Game 2009 Kaohsiung
作者: 林東興
Tung-Hsing Lin
Bor-Neng Jang
Shan-Ying Huang
關鍵字: 2009高雄世運會;運動賽會衝擊;居民知覺;2009 Kaohsiung World Game 2009 KWG;sport event impact;residents' perceptions
公開日期: 1-Jun-2011
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 2009年高雄舉辦之世運會,是臺灣有史以來第一次舉辦的國際大型綜合運動賽會。本研究旨在了解高雄居民對2009年世運會之賽會衝擊認知。透過因素分析萃取出3個正面衝擊構面,解釋量為74.86%;負面衝擊部分萃取出2個構面,解釋量為62.27%。相關係數辨別各構面之間的相對關聯性,正面經濟衝擊、正面社會文化衝擊與正面衝擊呈現高度正相關;經濟環境負面衝擊、社會文化負面衝擊與負面衝擊呈現高度正相關。研究結果發現:歷經活動結束,市民對賽會衝擊認知有所轉變,高雄市民對2009年高雄世運會的賽會衝擊認知中,正面衝擊仍大於負面衝擊,不過正面衝擊由原先預期「環境衝擊」、「社會文化衝擊」與「經濟衝擊」轉變為「正面社會文化衝擊」、「正面環境衝擊」與「正面經濟衝擊」;負面衝擊由原先預期「環境衝擊」、「社會文化衝擊」與「經濟衝擊」轉變為「經濟環境負面衝擊」與「社會文化負面衝擊」。此外,居民的人口統計變項在正、負面衝擊上及其子構面上達顯著差異水準。文中並對賽會規劃者與未來研究者作出相關建議。
This study presents an empirical analysis from the 2009 World Game (2009 KWG), hosted in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Surveys focus on local residents' assessment of a major sport event impact. Factor analysis of 10 positive impact items produced three dimensions, explained 74.86% of the variance in resident perceptions. As well as factor analysis of 11 negative impact items produced two dimensions, explained 62.27% of the variance in resident perceptions. Results revealed that most of these are related to a desire for social and environment impact, rather than being related to economic impacts. Differences were found between these dimensions and sicio-demographic characteristics. Recommendations for event managers and future research are outlined.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE.201106.0015
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE.201106.0015
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 1
起始頁: 15
結束頁: 33
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education