標題: 高中棒球隊財務與行銷經營管理之探討
The Management of Baseball Team in Senior High Socool
作者: 李育忠
Yu-Chung Lee
Hui-Jong Huang
Shan-Ying Huang
關鍵字: 學生棒球隊;經營管理;財務行銷;baseball coaches;operation and management
公開日期: 1-Dec-2013
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本研究之目的在以教練與高中棒球隊經營管理的互動關係,探討北部高中與高職棒球隊經營管理之問題。研究對象包括大理、穀保、平鎮、陽明、秀峰與強恕等六所高中、高職棒球隊。本研究方法採用文獻分析法與深度訪談法。以文獻分析和田野觀察法來確立研究背景與依據之後,經深度訪談後之發現及結果如下:一、財務管理:對於學校球隊,募捐款及贊助十分重要。如何才能增加更多經費的來源以及資源供球隊應用,教練們的就需要與球隊的行銷策略一同考量。二、行銷管理:學校球隊對於創造、配銷、促銷三個行銷層次雖有著墨,但尚停留在萌芽的粗淺階段,所有的行銷重心都放在創造好的成績上。研究發現二項管理中,有關公私立學校的共同問題,都是經費不足的現象,其中以私立學校的經費補助更加捉襟見肘,建議政府單位對於棒球體育運動經費補助能夠專款專用,學校須要開源吸收更多財源,再配合地方各項資源結合下利於球隊爾後的發展。
The purpose of this research was to discuss the relation between the senior high school baseball coachs and management. The subjects were included Dali, Ku-Pao, Ping-Jen, Yang Ping, Sioufong, Qiang-Shu high schools. This research applied documentary analysis and in-depth interwiew. The results of this research as follow: 1. Financial management Donation was very important for baseball teams; coaches must apply financial and marketing management together for supporting teams and supplying the resource.2. Marketing managementAll teams were keeping creating distribution and promption, but they still were in the beginning stage. The most maketing goal of teams was to get the best competition grade.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 6
起始頁: 36
結束頁: 47
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education