標題: 羽球單打四角球啟動步之運動學分析
Kinematics Analysis of Badminton Split Steps in Four Corner Directions
作者: 薛尹彰
Yi-Chang Hsueh
Wei-Cheng Liao
Kuang-Min Pan
Chien-Lu Tsai
關鍵字: 啟動步;輕跳時機;動作分析;split step;hop timing;motion analysis
公開日期: 1-十二月-2019
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 目的:本研究目的在探討羽球選手在回擊對方所擊出前、後場四角來球時,羽球選手步法的啟動時機與力學參數的差異。方法:以八名大專甲組男子羽球選手為受試者,使用8架Vicon MX 13^+紅外線高速攝影機(300Hz)及Nexus1.8軟體來蒐集動作影像資料,一部Fastec高速攝影機(300Hz),擷取控球者的擊球時間。而以兩塊測力板(1500Hz)收集啟動時間之數據,再以Visual 3D軟體計算運動學資料。所得參數以無母數魏可遜及弗里曼二因子等級變異數分析來檢定(顯著水準定為α=.05)。結果:前後四個方向啟動輕跳離地時機約為擊球後14~36毫秒,前啟動期各方向的啟動時機、動作時間、重心變化、及輕跳離地時機均無顯著差異。在啟動期的第一步,比較著重於左右方向的移動速度。結論:本研究發現在模擬羽球不同落點的來球情境下,受試者輕跳離地的時間約在對手擊球後瞬間,以取得較佳的啟動速度。雙腳離地後,為避免過久的騰空期,輕跳的動作應減少起跳高度,並採收腳深跳(drop jump)的策略著地。啟動期的第一步,著重於左、右方向的移動。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the split steps of the players when they start from the center of the court moved to four corners to return the shuttles from the opponent. Methods: Eight collegiate elite male badminton players participated in this study (height: 173 ± 3.6 cm; weight: 68.1 ± 4.67 kg; age: 21 ± 3 years). The motion images were record by 8 Vicon MX-13+ (300 Hz) infrared cameras, Nexus 1.8 software for data collection, 2 force plates (Kistler 9287, AMTI 5507) to collect the time variables on the ground, 1 high-speed camera (300 Hz) to capture hitting movement and timing of opponent, and Visual 3D software for calculating kinematic data. The timing sequences and the COM data of the split steps were analyzed by using the Friedman's 2-way analysis of variance by ranks and Wilcoxon matched-paired signed rank nonparametric statistical tests, the significant level was set as α = .05. Results: There were no significant difference in the variables of COM and hop timing among four start direction before propulsion phase, and hop timing occurred in 14~36 ms after the opponent struck the shuttles. The horizontal COM velocity was faster in left-right direction at the first step start movement. Conclusion: The split step movements before the propulsion phase of the players were the same in different corners of badminton strokes, the hop released timing were almost the same time while the opponent struck the shuttles. The first step velocity was faster in the left-right than the front-rear direction in four corner movements.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 15
起始頁: 1
結束頁: 12