標題: 澳洲東帝汶客家人之網路社群行為調查:計畫行為理論之延伸
Timorese Hakka Online Community Participation in Australia: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior
作者: 黃靜蓉
J. Sonia Huang
Daniel Chew
關鍵字: 東帝汶客家;族群網路社群;計畫行為理論;族群認同;Timorese Hakka;Ethnic Online Community;Theory of Planned Behavior;Ethnic Identity
公開日期: Nov-2019
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies, National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 澳洲當地有為數可觀的東帝汶客家人,這些人的原鄉以大陸梅州為主。1975年印尼入侵東帝汶,當地的華人不堪戰爭所苦,多數二次移民到澳洲。有鑑於澳洲地廣人稀,無遠弗屆的傳播科技,似乎具備連結族群、凝聚認同的功能,因此本研究企圖探討傳播科技在族群不斷的遷徙和移動中扮演的角色。本研究以計畫行為理論、輔以族群認同概念作為分析工具,以立意採樣和滾雪球方式進行問卷調查,對象涵蓋採用和不採用網路社群的東帝汶客家人,蒐集有效樣本374份。研究結果發現,東帝汶客家人參與客家網路社群的態度、主觀規範和知覺行為控制都是影響意願的顯著因素。族群認同雖然無法直接提高意願,但是透過正向態度,親友規範和較高的自我效能,可以發揮促進的作用。
For the Timorese Hakka, an ethnic Chinese group, migration to Australia is a recent phenomenon, dating back to the mid 1970s. After moving to and settling down in Australia, Timorese Hakka have used communication technologies such as online communities to virtually connect and socialize with their people beyond physical boundaries. This study extends the theory of planned behavior with an ethnic identity concept to explain and predict the ethnic group's online community participation. A mixed-mode survey was conducted to collect a sample of 374 participants. The results indicated that Timorese Hakka intentions to participate in Hakka online communities were directly influenced by their attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, but indirectly and significantly by their ethnic identity.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=50&CA_ID=535
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 13
起始頁: 111
結束頁: 148
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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