標題: 工作不安全感總是不好的嗎?探討心理資本與上下私交關係在工作不安全感和員工回饋徵詢行為間的調節角色
Is Job Insecurity Always Bad? The Moderating Roles of Psychological Capital and Supervisor-Subordinate Guanxi in the Relationship between Job Insecurity and Employees' Feedback-Seeking Behavior
作者: 劉娜婷
Na-Ting Liu
Shu-Chen Chen
Pei-Rong Han
關鍵字: 工作不安全感;心理資本;上下私交關係;回饋徵詢行為;Job Insecurity;Psychological Capital;Supervisor-Subordinate Guanxi;Feedback-Seeking Behavior
公開日期: 1-Oct-2021
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學經營管理研究所
Institute of Business and Magement, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本研究旨在探討工作不安全感、心理資本、上下私交關係與回饋徵詢行為(feedback-seeking behavior, FSB)之間的關係。過去有關工作不安全感與FSB之間的關係並無得到一致的結果,本研究從不確定性降低理論(uncertainty reduction theory)、社會交換理論(social exchange theory)與個人控制(personal control)的觀點納入兩個調節變數,一為個人差異的心理資本,另一為組織中人際互動的上下私交關係,以釐清工作不安全感與FSB之間的關係。本研究以臺灣地區全職員工作為調查對象,採用兩階段調查方式總計收回309份有效問卷。結果支持本研究所有的假設。心理資本與上下私交關係對於工作不安全感與回饋徵詢行為之間的關聯皆具調節作用;心理資本較低的員工相較於心理資本較高的員工,工作不安全感與回饋徵詢行為的正向關聯會增強;此外,當部屬與主管的上下私交關係較佳時,工作不安全感與回饋徵詢行為呈負向關係;相對地,當雙方的上下私交關係較低時,上述關係則呈正向關係。最後,針對研究結果,本研究提出管理意涵與後續研究建議。
The empirical evidence linking job insecurity to feedback-seeking behavior (FSB) is equivocal. This study examined the effects of job insecurity, psychological capital and supervisor- subordinate guanxi (SSG) on FSB. Drawing from uncertainty reduction theory (URT), social exchange theory (SET), and research on personal control, this study clarified this relationship by addressing the moderating roles of psychological capital and SSG of job insecurity-FSB relationship. Two-wave data were collected from 309 full-time employees in Taiwan from different organizations in different industries. Results revealed that psychological capital moderated the relationship between job insecurity and employees' FSB in such a way that the relationship was positive for people lower, rather than higher, in psychological capital. In addition, we further found that the relationship between job insecurity and FSB was negative under conditions of high SSG and was positive under conditions of low SSG. Some academic and managerial implications were discussed.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29416/JMS.202110_28(4).0004
ISSN: 1023-9863
DOI: 10.29416/JMS.202110_28(4).0004
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 28
Issue: 4
起始頁: 479
結束頁: 513
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System