标题: 未竟的客人论述:以陈朝龙《新竹县采访册》为中心的解读
Unfinished Hagngin Discourse: Interpretation to “Investigations of Hsin Chu County” by Chen Chao-Long
作者: 罗烈师
Lieh-shih Lo
关键字: 客人;粤人;客家;族群;方志;台湾通志;Hagngin;Cantonese;Hakka;Ethnic Group;Local Histories;History of Taiwan
公开日期: 五月-2021
出版社: 国立阳明交通大学客家文化学院
College of Hakka Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: 客家论述战后正式传入台湾前,台湾人群分类以闽粤漳泉等祖籍为标准,而且这一分类架构,纵然内涵略有差异,但历经清代与日本总督府之统治并未移异。罗烈师(2006)主张陈朝龙(1894)《新竹县采访册.客庄风俗》一书,可以视为族群意义之“客人论述”;本文在此基础上,广采光绪18年(1892)台湾巡抚邵友濂设置“福建台湾通志总局”并通令各县厅纂着之“采访册”等,藉此验证此一客人论述是否存在于台湾各地参与撰志知识份子之认识中。研究结果发现,客人论述恐系陈朝龙所独沽,其他撰志者并不重视本观念;为此,本文亦将尝试爬梳陈朝龙此一意识的来龙去脉。
The Hakka Discourse was transferred to Taiwan after World War Ⅱ. Until then, Han Taiwanese had been classified as Hokkienese and Cantonese, and Fujian people are classified as Quanzhou and Zhangzhou dialects for 300 years or more. Lo Lieh-Shih (2006) argued that Chen Chao-Long's “Investigations of Hsin Chu County” (1894) could be considered as Hagngin ethnic group Discourse. This paper, collecting and comparing the results of other authors of the same time as Chen's, tries to confirm if there were the same Hagnin consciousness among other local investigation writers in Taiwan in 1890s. The study found that Chen was the only one who distinguished Hagngin from Hokkeinese, and the paper also tries to look for the context of the idea.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=53&CA_ID=566
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 16
起始页: 121
结束页: 164
显示于类别:Global Hakka Studies


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