標題: Modeling frequency modulated responses of midbrain auditory neurons based on trigger features and artificial neural networks
作者: Chang, T. R.
Chiu, T. W.
Sun, X.
Poon, Paul W. F.
Department of Biological Science and Technology
關鍵字: Complex sound coding;Frequency modulation;Neural modeling;Spectro-temporal;Receptive field;Inferior colliculus
公開日期: 24-一月-2012
摘要: Frequency modulation (FM) is an important building block of communication signals for animals and human. Attempts to predict the response of central neurons to FM sounds have not been very successful, though achieving successful results could bring insights regarding the underlying neural mechanisms. Here we proposed a new method to predict responses of FM-sensitive neurons in the auditory midbrain. First we recorded single unit responses in anesthetized rats using a random FM tone to construct their spectro-temporal receptive fields (STRFs). Training of neurons in the artificial neural network to respond to a second random FM tone was based on the temporal information derived from the STRF. Specifically, the time window covered by the presumed trigger feature and its delay time to spike occurrence were used to train a finite impulse response neural network (FIRNN) to respond to this random FM. Finally we tested the model performance in predicting the response to another similar FM stimuli (third random FM tone). We found good performance in predicting the time of responses if not also the response magnitudes. Furthermore, the weighting function of the FIRNN showed temporal 'bumps' suggesting temporal integration of synaptic inputs from different frequency laminae. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Neural Coding. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.brainres.2011.09.042
ISSN: 0006-8993
DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2011.09.042
Volume: 1434
起始頁: 90
結束頁: 101


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