標題: 全球都會區域的彈性身分想像:以台北與上海為例
作者: 黃宗儀
關鍵字: 全球都會區域;跨國主體;彈性身分;台北與上海連結;都會居住論述;離散華人;global city-regions;transnational subjects;flexible identities;Taipei-Shanghai link;everyday urbanism;Chinese transmigrants
公開日期: 1-三月-2007
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
摘要: 全球化時代的都會連結不僅是產生各類跨國身分的社會現實,也成為形塑與言說這些新身分的論述框架。本文聚焦微觀的文化文本(王文華與陳彬之作品),參照宏觀的文化身分論述(「新上海人」與「同文同種」)來探討台北與上海全球都會區域跨國主體彈性身分的再現政治。藉由分析王文華暢銷上海的《蛋白質女孩》系列,我試圖說明小說如何將彈性身分情慾化與戀物化。王文華將專業經理階級再現為全球都會區域合法尊榮的使用者以及時尚生活方式的楷模,《蛋白質女孩》因而成為「新上海人」跨國菁英身分的文化代言。另一方面,分析台商陳彬《我的上海經驗》系列中台商的再現與各種自我表述的身分標籤,本文試圖釐清「新上海人」與「同文同種」之說預設的彈性身分所隱含的意識型態,並進一步說明跨國主體彈性身分內在的階級與性別矛盾,以及資本彈性積累與王愛華所謂「彈性公民權」之間可能的衝突對立。
Given the broad consensus among academic geographers that a new matrix of global city-regions is on the rise, this paper attempts to show how urban linkage has become not only a social reality that produces various cosmopolitan identities but a discursive framework for the formulation and articulation of these identities so as to reproduce the urban networks. With a particular emphasis on the ”imaginary of flexible identities” and its problems, I will analyze several representative cultural texts including Wang Wen-hua's bestsellers in Shanghai, The Protein Girl, its sequel The Protein Girl II, and Chen-pin's bestsellers in Taipei, a series of non-fiction works on how to survive and succeed in Shanghai. Situating these texts in the context of the Taipei-Shanghai linkage, I will critique the imagination of the flexible identities, enabled by the material conditions of global urban networks, and further lay bare not just the intricate connections between the new geopolitical regionalism and cultural narrative of Chinese transmigrants but the intense contradictions between flexible accumulation of capital and the production of ”flexible citizenship” in Aihwa Ong's terms.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.200703_(4).0001
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.200703_(4).0001
期刊: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 4
起始頁: 9
結束頁: 40


  1. Router-2007-4-2.pdf

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