標題: 梅嘎蒗社的苦難:櫻花林下的內橫屏山隘勇線抵抗記憶
作者: 劉柳書琴
關鍵字: 梅嘎蒗;內橫屏山;尖石鄉;理蕃政策;臺灣日日新報;櫻花;地景;集體記憶;Mekarang;Neihengping Mountain;Jianshi;Aborigine Control Policy;Taiwan Daily News;cherry blossoms;landscape;collective memory
公開日期: 1-Apr-2022
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
摘要: 在原住民族社區發展的進程中,集體記憶的重構是社區意識凝聚和地方創生的基礎,也是去殖民和族群精神統整的重要過程。本文關切110多年前尖石前山泰雅族被掃蕩的歷史與記憶。面對這個議題時,歷史文本分析法有助於解讀新竹廳泰雅族討伐新聞,分析隘勇線前進政策如何對部落鎮壓、分化、招撫;記憶政治理論,則有助於了解同化政策施行後,地景改造為何能淡化衝突記憶,引導族人逐漸適應山地國家化的現實。分析步驟包括:第一,梳理官方打造的蕃地勝景「內橫屏觀櫻」出現的背景與過程。第二,檢視吉野臺(櫻山)櫻花符號的意義賦予與擴散過程,亦即官廳以勝景旅行解構血染之地的記憶政治操作。第三,脈絡化《臺灣日日新報》的討伐記事,從被討伐者的逆向視野,勾勒梅嘎蒗等社的應變身影。第四,分析1917年以後,在梅嘎蒗警戒區內形成的多族群社區,以及梅嘎蒗社人與官方認同的分歧。第五,探尋2000年以後梅花村人破碎的隘勇線反抗記憶及其當代意涵。
In the development of indigenous communities, the reconstruction of collective memories serves as the foundation for maintaining community awareness and local revitalization. It is also regarded as an important indicator for the progress of decolonization and the integration of ethnic spirit. This paper highlights the mopped-up histories and memories of the Atayal people in the front mountain of Jianshi, Hsinchu, more than 110 years ago. In face of this issue, historical textual analysis helps the interpretation of the news regarding the assault of the Atayal people in Hsinchu reported by Taiwan Daily News. It shows how the policy of the Japanese police guard-line suppressed, differentiated and offered amnesty for the tribes. Theoretical discussion of the politics of memories informs us why landscape renovation was able to lighten up memories of struggles and guided the indigenous people to gradually adapt themselves to the realities of colonization-the mountains were nationalized and the assimilation policy had started. The paper analyzes these aspects in the following steps: First, it examines the background and process of the officially established tourist attraction "cherry blossoms of the Neihengping Mountain." Second, this paper scrutinizes the process through which the meaning of the cherry blossoms in the Cherry Blossom Mountain was given and spread. That is, it explores how the Japanese colonial government deconstructed the memories of the bloodshed region by recreating a tourist attraction in it. Third, it contextualizes the news coverage of the assault in Taiwan Daily News and collects the responses of Mekarang and other tribes to offer a counter perspective. Fourth, it analyzes the identification divergence between the multiethnic communities formed in Mekarang alert area, the people in Mekarang tribes and the officials after 1917. Fifth, it investigates the fragmented memories of the resistance against the police guard-line by the locals in Meihua Village and their contemporary significance.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.202204_(34).0006
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.202204_(34).0006
期刊: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 34
起始頁: 149
結束頁: 187
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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