標題: 「泳」不止息-一位女性優秀游泳運動員之經驗故事敘說
"Swimming" Will Not be Stopping: The Experience Story of an Excellent Female Swimming Athlete
作者: 江信宏
Hsin-Hung Chiang
Ying-Chih Chien
Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Chien-Yu Lin
關鍵字: 女性游泳運動員;敘說探究;角色衝突;自我認同;Female swimming athlete;Narrative inquiry;Role conflict;Self-identity
公開日期: 1-十二月-2021
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本研究為探討一位女性優秀游泳運動員之經驗故事,藉由研究參與者的經驗故事瞭解生涯轉換中角色衝突與自我認同之相互關係,以及如何面對及因應。本研究採質性研究之半結構深度訪談,以敘說分析為主要策略,並利用敘事分析進行文本的分類及歸納,以呈現研究參與者經驗故事之完整脈絡。本研究結果為研究參與者在學生時期生涯轉換的角色衝突中學會時間分配管理以及在自我認同中養成正向積極態度;在教練時期生涯轉換的角色衝突中能善盡各種角色本分,並從中肯定自我的價值認同。本研究結論為運動員應培養時間分配的管理能力、正向積極的態度建立、善盡本分的角色扮演及肯定自我的價值認同等能力,以因應社會趨勢瞬息萬變,同時建議運動員應在運動員時期即建立正確的處事觀念,學習對自己承諾、決策並負責任,這樣如此一來在生涯轉換的過程中才能較為順利。
The purpose of the research was to understand the mutual relationship between role conflict and self-concept and the means to handle and overcome the relation dilemma by studying the life-experience stories of an excellent female swimming athlete. A semi-structured in-depth interview, which is one method of qualitative research, was adopted. It maintained narrative inquiry as to the main strategy and uses narrative analytics to classify and summarize contents in order to present the complete context of the experience stories of the study participant. The results showed that the athlete learned time management in role conflicts and developed a positive attitude in self-identity during the career transition in student life. Also, the athlete could perform various duties and increase self-worth in the role conflict during the career transition of the coach life. The research suggests that the athletes establish different abilities, including time-management, positive attitude, role-playing, and self-identity in response to the rapid changing of social trends. Moreover, we recommend that active athletes start their career planning during the stage of participating in sports competitions in order to successfully transition to the next stage of career development.
URI: https://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/alDetailedMesh?DocID=P20110824004-202112-202202240008-202202240008-34-46&PublishTypeID=P001
ISSN: 2219-5696
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 17
起始頁: 34
結束頁: 46